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The Twitter Files (Twittergate)
As I was wrapping up my vacation on Friday the 2nd of December, shortly after 6 PM EST, Elon Musk, the new CEO of Twitter, released some internal documents that had been discovered by independent journalist Matt Taibbi.
My plan was to finish up Part II of my series on the mid-term elections, but this bombshell revelation is just too important to set aside. I’ll get back to the Arizona election results soon after delving into this DNC “scandal of the week”.
We have all known since the New York Post article in October 2020 that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” was a scandalous expose on the life of President Joe Biden’s son. There were accusations that the giant social media platforms, Twitter, and Facebook, along with other “news” organizations had buried the story to protect Biden in the days and weeks running up to the 2020 election. Of course the Biden campaign and their media lap dogs conducted a coordinated cover-up effort for their preferred candidate. Everybody knows that. What we didn’t know until now, was how extensive the corruption behind the suppression of the Post’s story had been.
The Staggering Level of Corruption
What we have learned from the internal documents released by Musk is that high-level Twitter executives, acting without the knowledge of former CEO and founder, Jack Dorsey, who has not been implicated, had direct communications with the FBI and the Biden campaign team, and had been coerced into censoring the Post story.

Taibbi revealed internal company emails dated Oct 24, 2020, just 10 days before the election, that said:
“More to review from the Biden team” along with a list of tweets, to which another exec replied, “handled these”.
Under the guidelines of Twitter’s newly reformed “hacked materials” policy, the social media giant, with influential direction from Vijaya Gadde, head of Legal Policy and Trust, decided they could censor the Post story. The social media platform locked the Post out of its Twitter account for more than two weeks, claiming the story was based on “hacked information”.
Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel (since June 2020), Jim Baker, former General Counsel of the FBI from Jan 2014 through Jan 2018, claimed it was “reasonable” to assume the materials were hacked and that “caution is warranted”. [1]
Baker was thee Chief Legal Officer (CLO), or top lawyer, in the FBI during the last two years that Joe Biden was Vice President. You would think a lawyer of that stature, should know a few things about ethics. Oh wait, Baker had been engaged in an ongoing feud with then President Trump since the month before his hiring at Twitter, when he labeled two tweets by Trump as “misinformation”. While at the FBI, Baker was deeply involved in the early stages of the investigation into the Russian collusion “scandal”, specifically the FISA warrant application against Carter Page, a one-time Trump campaign aide. Keep in mind, the FBI knew the entire Russian collusion story was fabricated from the false statements of the Steele dossier, but deceived the FISA Judge into issuing the surveillance warrant four times under false pretenses. After two years of the Mueller investigation, it was proven the Russia collusion “scandal” was a complete hoax concocted and paid for by the Clinton campaign. Apparently, Mr. Baker had an axe to grind and now he is a central figure in yet another scheme to cover up the story that many polled voters stated would have changed their decisions in the 2020 election. But that’s not all. This is where the “story of the story” gets even “juicier”.
According to Miranda Devine, a journalist for the New York Post, and Author of the book, Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide, claims that the FBI approached Twitter before the story broke in October 2020, and advised/recommended/coerced them to reform their “hacking materials” policy in anticipation of a forthcoming “October surprise” their intelligence agents had determined was classic Russian “disinformation”. Here we go again. Does anyone detect a pattern ? In other words, the FBI preemptively coerced Twitter to censor the story, AND they did so with full knowledge that the laptop was real because they had possession of it for more than a year prior. You have to wonder whether Mr. Baker had any contacts back at the FBI, or was he the contact “point man” for team Biden.
In any case, it’s clear that the Biden campaign had contact with Twitter, perhaps through Jim Baker, and then used the preeminent law enforcement agency in the world, a government agency, to coerce a private social media company to suppress a story that would obviously harm the ambitions of their candidate to win the presidency. If Twitter had done that on their own, as a private company, the censorship may have passed the “smell test”, but as soon as the government got involved, it became felonious. [2] (see 18 U.S. Code § 595)
I’m not a Lawyer, and there is somewhat of a “grey area” within the referenced law, but my interpretation is that the statutory language “in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, . . . “ could include favors granted “in kind”. In other words, Twitter obliged the Biden team and the FBI by censoring the laptop story, essentially granting them a favor, under coercion, even absent of a cash transaction. Coercion could be interpreted to mean, act in our interests, or else, threatening events could follow. If prosecutors can prove coercion, it’s “game over”.
ADDENDUM: The Smoking Gun, updated 6 Dec 2022

Watch the full episode at this link https://youtu.be/JTtS0N4fNU8 Scroll forward to the 10:44 timeline, where the mention of Vijaya Gadde begins. This is the “smoking gun” gotcha moment, where the Biden administration clearly violated18 U.S. Code § 595. Gadde was overseeing the censorship decision made by Twitter and was then REWARDED by the Biden administration, having been appointed (a form of payback, or a “grant made by the United States” to quote the statute), as an advisor to the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of Homeland Security (DHS). BOOM !
Now what ? Are We the People going to sit back and wait for things to happen, or are we going to make things happen ? We have just seen our right to vote disenfranchised TWICE, as the DNC rigged the last two election cycles, and the FBI used by the Democrats as their partisan Secret Police to censor their political opponents. Then they launched a “save our Democracy” campaign in the last month leading up to the 2022 mid-terms, completely misleading their useful idiot voters into thinking they were the morally righteous party. I get the feeling that true American Patriots are just as disgusted as I am. All of a sudden, the phrase “drain the swamp” is more important than ever before. These perpe-TRAITORS must be eliminated from power as quickly as possible. ALL of them need to be removed from office and permanently banned from ever holding any position requiring the public trust.
We the People must act NOW. That is why I am proposing a petition to be circulated online, to gather signatures supporting impeachment of President Biden and his running mate, Vice President Harris, and a “clean house” effort that involves investigations and indictments of all FBI personnel, and any other agencies involved, who were connected to the Twitter censorship conducted prior to the 2020 election.
Please share this article as much as you can in the hope that someone has experience in coordinating such a petition campaign. The more signatures the better. It will require extremely widespread circulation.
I would recommend that it be submitted to the incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which typically has jurisdiction on impeachment. The Ranking Member is currently Jim Jordan (R-OH), who will likely become Chairman. The House Oversight Committee, expected to be chaired by James Comer, highlighted in the next chapter, would also be a good recipient, in terms of FBI oversight.
What Can We the People Expect to Happen ?
When the 118th Congress convenes on the 3rd of January 2023, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform will be reorganized under Republican control. It is expected that Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) will become Committee Chairman, and launch an investigation into the origins and ramifications of the “Twittergate” scandal.

You’ll see this face in the coming months.
To contact James Comer directly, call his office at (202) 225-3115. You should be able to speak with one of his aides, even if you are not from Kentucky. I was able to walk into several Representatives offices during the Trump impeachment hearings and hand deliver a letter.
I’d be willing to bet that they will present compelling evidence that crimes were committed, but nothing will go any further than that because the Democrats still control the Senate and, more importantly, the Department of Justice, headed by another partisan Democrat, Merrick Garland, who was denied confirmation hearings by the Republican controlled Senate when he was nominated for the vacant Supreme Court seat created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, near the end of Obama’s second term, has his own axe to grind. After taking office, Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill that vacancy.
On the other hand, the House investigation could potentially last for two years, by which time the Republicans (a.k.a. the adults) may actually gain control of both chambers of Congress, and replace the current Attorney General with their own nominee who possesses some degree of integrity. Yeah right. I almost forgot, they’ll probably steal those elections too.
[1] Nava, V., Garger, K., and Golding, B. ; Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell: Twitter Invented Reason to Censor Post’s Reporting ; New York Post ; Dec 2, 2022
[2] LII ; Legal Information Institute ; 18 U.S. Code § 595 – Interference by Administrative Employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
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