The Calm Before the Storm

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

Election Results Quietly Digested by the Left

Did you notice how Kamala Harris ramped up her rhetoric in the final weeks of the 2024 election cycle?  Her campaign, which lasted only a little over four months and was shrouded in mystery in terms of her policy initiatives, focused almost entirely on attacks and warnings against Donald Trump.  He was a “convicted felon”.  He was a “threat to our democracy”.  He would be a “dictator”.  And towards the end, he was Hitler reincarnate.  The Harris message, constantly regurgitated by the Propaganda Media Complex was that sensible voters, like the “educated” left, would never consider allowing such a vile candidate to regain the White House.  

All the polls indicated it would be a razor-thin race, decided by the results in seven battleground states; Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  Yet, similar to the polls in 2016, they should not have been trusted.  Hillary Clinton got so confidant in the final week or so, that she didn’t even campaign in Wisconsin.  When Election Day finally came, Trump supporters, who preferred to lay low ahead of time, swarmed the precincts and propelled Trump to a landslide victory in the Electoral College (312 votes) and a significant popular margin, even after more than a month of Democrat ballots magically appearing.  The latest figures I could find were: [1]

Trump – 77,237,942 ; updated to 77,269,255

Harris –  74,946,837 ; updated to 74,983,555

With all the talk about MAGA Republicans not accepting the election results of the 2020 election, leading to the January 6th “insurrection” and prosecutions of Trump, it has been surprisingly quiet on the left in the aftermath of this year’s election.  Sure, we saw some (supposedly) intelligent women shaving their heads and swearing off sex for four years in defiant protest of the false narrative that Trump would initiate a federal ban on abortions, but that only drew modest attention.  Ironically, their cause is misdirected, as the Supreme Court decision that returned Roe v. Wade to the states, means their fight is on the state level.  So much for the “educated” left.  For now, we are in a mostly peaceful transition period.

But this “calm before the storm” should not be ignored.  The radical Marxists who control the Democrat Party and the Propaganda Media Complex, feeling the disappointment of the Harris campaign failure are not just going to lick their wounds and wait for the next election.  They have been preparing various scenarios that could turn a “cold” civil war into a tinder box, literally overnight. Due to Trump’s victory, they have plans, big plans.  This is not a prediction. 

In a series of essays [2] attributed to Tom Klingenstein, Chairman of the Claremont Institute, it has been revealed that what he terms the “destructive left” has actually conducted war-games to plan their actions in the event of Trump’s electoral victory, most disturbingly, a plot to stoke widespread political violence and convince the public that Trump’s efforts to quell massive civil unrest are fascist tactics.  That’s why they have been pushing the narrative that “Trump is Hitler”.  We could assume they are making arrangements now and will “hit the ground running” when Trump takes office, possibly on Inauguration Day.  This has been discovered through actual publications.

The War-Gamers

Former Obama Pentagon appointee, Rosa Brooks, has been involved with the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), a team of wargaming officials that played out various scenarios leading up to the 2020 election, including the possibility that Trump would not concede defeat, and one of those scenarios turned real, culminating in the January 6th “attack” on the U.S. Capitol.  The fact that such an event took place, and was predicted, invites more scrutiny on the motives and origins of the “insurrection”.

Was government involvement more than an allegation?

Did the FBI have undercover agents in the crowd instigating the break-in?

The bigger point is that TIP knew beforehand that Trump would likely contest the results because the relaxed voting regulations enacted in the wake of COVID, would make it easier for “election officials” (think: Democrat operatives of Obama’s 30,000+ member army of activists known as Organizing for Action) to commit massive fraud in targeted precincts, the corrupt blue cities in those battleground states. 

From the New Republic article, “The Ridiculous War-Gaming of the 2020 Election[3], published less than 2 months before the 2020 election, we can see that progressive Democrats have been scheming ways to justify subversion of the electoral process.

An excerpt reads, “For the past several months, a number of articles on what awaits us in November have referenced war games conducted by the Transition Integrity Project, a kind of pop-up think tank on the election. It counts over 100 academics, political operatives, government officials, and pundits as members, including former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, former Democratic National Committee Acting Chair Donna Brazile, Weekly Standard founder Bill Kristol, and Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager John Podesta. After Trump refused to commit to conceding during that last debate in 2016, Podesta condemned him, saying Trump’s remarks had been “a tremendous mistake.” During the Transition Integrity Project’s simulation of this election in June, Podesta played a Joe Biden who’d won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College, just as Clinton did, he refused to concede.

‘In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned,’ The New York Times’ Ben Smith wrote last month. ‘The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.’ A report from the group describes what happened in more detail—California, Oregon, and Washington threatened to secede, yes, but in order to extract a set of concessions from Trump and Republicans.  With advice from President Obama, it reads, ‘the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) Give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) Divide California into five states to more accurately represent its population in the Senate; 3) Require Supreme Court justices to retire at 70; and 4) Eliminate the Electoral College, to ensure that the candidate who wins to the popular vote becomes President.’ ” The abovementioned war-game plays out a scenario whereby Trump won the 2020 Electoral College, the Constitutional method of selecting a President, but lost the popular vote to Joe Biden, similar to the 2016 election in which Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. 

Under “advice from President Obama”, these conspirators decided that several west coast states could secede from the union, alter the Supreme Court, and abolish the Electoral College.  That sounds like sedition. [4]  Does anyone really believe any of those proposals could be accomplished without some degree of “force”?  Do they expect the United States government to just agree to those terms?  We can clearly see that Obama’s hand-picked war-gamer was conducting contingency plans with all sorts of radical, unconstitutional ideas and it would be naïve to presume Obama wasn’t behind the entire scheme.

The result of Brooks’ work in the 2020 election, positioned her as an expert for post-election contingency planning.  It would be logical to assume she was still influential in 2024, and sure enough, there she was, teamed up with Barton Gellman to perform a series of wargames in May and June of 2024 under the auspices of the Democracy Futures Project (DFP), as an arm of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University.

They published a series of articles on July 30th, in four separate sources, that focused on planning for a Trump victory, with recommendations on how to disrupt his presidency, including political violence, and a plot to divide the loyalties of the U.S. military.  To implement the plan, they have to wait until Trump once again becomes Commander-in-Chief because they figure they can split the military into factions that follow orders and those who uphold their oaths to defend the Constitution.  Their plan is to entice Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act [5] and then use their propaganda machine to paint Trump as a dictator.

Let’s see what Brooks had to say herself in The Bulwark.  From an article titled “Democracy Will Suffer a Relatively Quiet Death, We Simulated It[6],she opens with the premise that Trump “managed to eke out a narrow Electoral College victory”, and despite “sporadic clashes between protesters and counter-protesters, the nation hasn’t descended into chaos or civil war”.  All looks fine from the outside, but “on the inside, the norms and institutions that constitute our democracy are crumbling”.

She takes credit for co-leading this conference of self-described experts with Barton Gellman, who authored a similar article in The Washington Post, saying “we were looking for insights into what might happen if a second Trump administration follows through on Trump’s autocratic threats”, an obvious reference to the Trump is a “threat to our democracy” rhetoric.

They conducted several scenarios, using left-wing participants as role players and in one such exercise suggested red state governors would join blue state governors in resisting efforts to federalize their National Guard units and send them to quell anti-Trump protests in major U.S. cities.  They don’t consider the possibility that those “anti-Trump protests” could be more than “mostly peaceful”, or the actual justification for invoking the Insurrection Act to counter massive civil unrest, anarchy in the streets, looting and burning vast sections of those cities, all while leftist Mayors decide to stand down and allow their cities to be destroyed by violent extremists.  I might suggest they read the Insurrection Act, specifically section 253, which describes conditions under which it is necessary, like protecting the rights of citizens to peacefully get to work, or school, without being threatened by violent mobs.

Towards the end, Brooks states, “political leaders who may find themselves on the outside can lay the groundwork for an opposition leadership structure, one in which figures as diverse as Kamala Harris, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and Barack Obama can help provide direction, coordination, and inspiration to the millions of Americans who don’t want to see the nation slide quietly into autocracy.”  You have to wonder whether Obama dictated that to her, so he could insert himself back into prominence.   

These war-gamers are pure Marxists masquerading as concerned expert guardians of American values.  It is perfectly clear to me where they have gotten their talking points and why the Democrat Party parroted certain buzz phrases during the 2024 election season.  All the rhetoric about Trump being a “threat to our democracy”, or that Trump will govern as a fascist dictator, and claiming “Trump is Hitler”, seems to have come from these war-gamers, and likely Obama himself, as he once again is at the forefront of attempts to undermine Trump’s administration “by any means necessary”, just like he did in Trump’s first term.   They created those false accusations as justification for their plan to deploy armies of activists, some peaceful, some instigators, who will storm the streets with actual chaos and violence in order to provoke Trump into using the Insurrection Act.  The objective is to split the military sentiment.  The old “divide and conquer” strategy that just happens to be Obama’s modus operandi (MO). What a coincidence.  They have predicted an outcome that they have set up to unfold.  Doesn’t that remind you of the January 6th “insurrection”? 

Now you know why they have been painting Trump as Hitler and where it came from.

It was true while he was in the White House, and it’s still true today

What Should Trump’s Attorney General Do This Time?

It is utterly disgusting that the Democrat Party, hijacked by Obama and his Marxist ideologues, blindly follows such an evil despot, Hell-bent on destroying America from within.  So far, they have gotten away with everything they have done, immoral and illegal alike.  That must change.  Everyone involved in this next planned act of anarchy, and attempt to overthrow the government, must be brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent.

The Department of Justice must be thorough in its investigations, leave no stone unturned, follow the money, follow every lead, offer immunity to Lieutenants in exchange for turning “state’s witness”, go after the big fish, and root out this evil at its core. 

They made it acceptable to go after former Presidents.

They weaponized the federal bureaucracy to prosecute their political enemies.

They set the precedent of persecuting their opposition. 

They created false narratives and used their propaganda machine to sell lies.

They used their bully platform to repeatedly exclaim that “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, NOT EVEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES”.

But karma is a bitch and now it’s time to face justice for the actual crimes they have committed.  Justice for Democrats is long overdue. The next Attorney General must serve it.

Here are a few of the federal crimes they should be aware of:

18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating Overthrow of Government [7]

18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots [8]

18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason [9]

For months leading up to the election, the Democrats and their praetorian guard, the mainstream media, which I have dubbed the Propaganda Media Complex, conducted a fear campaign that warned the American people Trump would use his power to exact revenge on his political enemies.  It won’t be revenge or retribution.  It will be justice.  We the People demand justice.

I happen to love medieval justice.  Those guys knew how to keep people in line.  We don’t have to resort to drawing and quartering, or disemboweling anyone in the public square.  That would be too gruesome for such a civilized society.  And perhaps hanging wouldn’t be the right look for Obama, but the sentence must match the crime and the penalty for treason is death.  Maybe a simple beheading would be appropriate.  After all, his own religion still practices that method of execution to this day, and if he is to be believed about his denial, the same people he aided and abetted would do that to him as a “non-believer”, right?

So, let me identify my “Four Aces”, the highest-level targets for the Justice Department, like the military did during the Gulf War, in which Sadaam Hussein was the Ace of Spades.

Ace of Spades: Barack Hussein Obama – treason

His leadership role (no doubt), led to the terrorist attacks at the Boston Marathon, San Bernadino, and Orlando.  All of those attacks were committed by jihadis who were in Philip Haney’s DHS TECS database, a watch list of suspected terrorists, that was ordered to be scrubbed about 6 months after John Brennan received an October 19, 2011 letter signed by 57 Muslim organizations, including CAIR and ISNA, complaining of civil rights and targeting of Muslims.  Virtually simultaneously, the FBI, then led by Robert Mueller, purged their counterterrorism training materials, and the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, ordered Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley to cease instruction of his “Perspectives” course on Middle East culture to soon-to-be-deployed officers at the Joint Forces Staff College.  All three of those Departments have only one boss, the President of the United States.  Haney later testified that all three of those terrorist attacks could have been prevented had his TECS system remained in place.  He was quietly murdered on February 21, 2020, while reportedly carrying a thumb drive containing “sensitive documents” that was missing from the scene.

Seems to me that Obama’s orders could be construed as “adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort” in masking terrorist activities.

Ace of Hearts: Hillary Rodham Clinton –  a plethora of federal crimes, including  but not limited to 18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction (Alteration or Falsification) of Records in Federal Investigation.

She was the media darling, the heir-apparent to the White House who would “sachè” onto the stage like Cleopatra on a platform.  The Ace of Hearts is clearly appropriate.  I once did a spreadsheet on all the crimes she could have been indicted on and the grand total of her sentence would have been 1,024,132 years.  The statute named above carries a sentence of 20 years for each count of deleting 33,000 emails, totaling 660,000 years alone.  She could probably get off for good behavior after about 100,000 years.

Ace of Diamonds: Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. – bribery, money laundering

When he bragged about withholding a billion dollars in aid from the Ukraine unless they fired the investigator probing Hunter’s Burisma employment, he sealed his own fate.  He could buy a lot of diamonds with the millions of dollars he had laundered through the Ukraine.  He probably doesn’t even know where all his money is.  Maybe Hunter will inherit it.

Ace of Clubs: John Owen Brennan, Obama’s then Chief Counterterrorism Advisor (and  later CIA Director) when he received the aforementioned October 19, 2011 letter – treason

He essentially clubbed the American people in the gut, by his role in pushing the requests of the Muslim organizations to scrub and purge the terrorist watch lists.  

That’s my list Pam Bondi, or whoever ends up as Attorney General.  We the People expect justice to be carried out in order to deter future power structures from committing such heinous acts against America by making them think twice.

Comments welcomed.


[1]  2024 Election Results ; Google ; as of 22 Nov 2024, updated 12 Dec 2024

2024 election results popular vote – Google Search

Between 22 Nov and 12 Dec, Harris gained 5,405 votes

[2]  Two essays published by Thomas D. Klingenstein that expose the disturbing schemes concocted by the “destructive left”: click ctrl + link for full article

1. Is the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins? – ; by Lee Smith, Author ; October 28, 2024

2. Why Didn’t They Riot? ; by David Reaboi, a 2011 Claremont Institute Lincoln Fellow and longtime consultant in national security ; November 25, 2024

[3]  Nwanevu, O. ; The Ridiculous War-Gaming of the 2020 Election ; The New Republic ; 14 Sep 2020

The Ridiculous War-Gaming of the 2020 Election | The New Republic

[4]  Legal Information Institute ; 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

[5]  Insurrection Act of 1807 ; 10 U.S.C. §§331-335

Microsoft Word – Insurrection Act.doc

Sec. 332. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority “Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

Sec. 333. Interference with State and Federal law

“The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it– (1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or (2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws. In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.”

The Insurrection Act has ben amended several times, including the section that pertains to domestic uprisings, such as those proposed by the Transition Integrity Project, relative to §333 above, to wit;

§253. Interference with State and Federal Law

“The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, it it –

  • So hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within that State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
  • Opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the Unted States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.”

(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 15, §333; Pub. L. 109-364, div. A, title X, §1076(a)(1), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2404; Pub. L. 110-181, div. A, title X, §1068(a)(1), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered §253, Pub. L. 114-328, div. A, title XII, §1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)

[6]  Brooks, R. ; Democracy Will Suffer a Relatively Quiet Death, We Simulated It ; The Bulwark ; July 30, 2024

Democracy Will Suffer a Relatively Quiet Death. We Simulated It.

[7]  Legal Information Institute ; 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating Overthrow of Government

18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessary, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessary, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof –

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms ‘organizes’ and ‘organize’, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, or other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87-486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

[8]  Legal Information Institute ; 18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots

18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

  • Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent –
  • to incite a riot; or
  • to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
  • to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
  • to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;

and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph –

Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

  • In any prosecution under this section, proof that a defendant engaged or attempted to engage in one or more of the overt acts described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) and (1) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce, or (2) has use of or used any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including but not limited to, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, to communicate with or broadcast to any person or group of persons prior to such overt acts, such travel or use shall be admissible proof to establish that such defendant traveled in or used such facility of interstate or foreign commerce.
  • A judgment of conviction or acquittal on the merits under the laws of any State shall be a bar to any prosecution hereunder for the same act or acts.
  • Whenever, in the opinion of the Attorney General or of the appropriate officer of the Department of Justice charged by law or under the instructions of the Attorney General with authority to act, any person shall have violated this chapter, the Department shall proceed as speedily as possible with a prosecution of such person hereunder and with any appeal which may lie from any decision adverse to the Government resulting from such prosecution.
  • Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to make it unlawful for any person to travel in, or use any facility of, interstate or foreign commerce for the purpose of pursuing the legitimate objectives of organized labor, through orderly and lawful means.
  • Nothing in this section shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of Congress to prevent any State, any possession or Commonwealth of the United States, or the District of Columbia, from exercising jurisdiction over any offense over which it would have jurisdiction in the absence of this section; nor shall anything in this section be construed as depriving State and local law enforcement authorities of responsibility for prosecuting acts that may be violations of this section and that are violations of State and local law.

(Added Pub. L. 90-284, title I, §104(a), Apr. 11, 1968, 82 Stat. 75; amended Pub. L. 99-386, title I, §106, Aug. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 822; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104-294, title VI, §601(f)(15), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3500.)  

[9]  Legal Information Institute ; 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them, or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

The People of the State of New York v. Trump

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The Basics and the Background

Those who are reading this post are certainly aware that former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted and charged in a criminal trial in New York City.  The basics are that New York County District Attorney for Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, who dedicated part of his campaign as a promise to prosecute Trump, charged Trump with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.  Bragg launched his campaign for Manhattan DA in June 2019, shortly before outgoing DA Cyrus Vance Jr. began proceedings against Trump.  In July 2020 the Supreme Court ruled that Trump was not immune from a subpoena issued by Vance but New York officials did not receive the subpoenaed documents until February 2021 and a criminal investigation was launched in May.  Bragg was elected in November 2021 saying he would continue Vance’s investigation and hold Trump accountable.  But Vance’s investigation was focused on Trump’s financial statements and whether he had committed fraud by overstating the value of his assets in documents submitted to banks and insurance companies in order to secure more favorable terms.

That investigation morphed into a civil case known as New York v. Trump, brought by State Attorney General Letitia James, who also campaigned on a promise to “get Trump” and charged Trump with fraudulently misrepresenting his property values to potential lenders and tax officials.  New York assessed the value of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate at $18 million, a ludicrous estimate that wouldn’t even purchase the ground it sat on if it was a vacant lot.  Furthermore, Bank officials testified that all agreements were entered into mutually after the banks did their own due diligence all loans were repaid with interest.  That is, there were no victims and everyone made their anticipated money from the deals.  The entire case was baseless.

Nevertheless, presiding judge Arthur Engoron ordered the defendants (Trump, his three eldest children, Donald Jr. Ivanka, and Eric, CFO Allen Weisselberg, Controller Jeffrey McConney, and ten companies) to disgorge a total of $364 million.  That judgment has been appealed and legal arguments are expected to take place no sooner than September 2024.

All of a sudden Bragg was in search of something else he could charge Trump with, so he concocted a novel legal theory centered on the notion that Trump had somehow attempted to influence the 2016 election by paying Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged sexual encounter.  It was a case brought against a target in search of a crime, which reverses the application of American jurisprudence.

The prosecution alleged that Trump mislabeled, or “falsely recorded” repayments to his Attorney, Michael Cohen, as “legal expenses” in the general ledger, rather than reimbursements to Cohen, who paid Daniels from his own loan proceeds to secure the nondisclosure agreement.  Cohen testified he made the payment on his own to shield Trump’s wife, Melania, from embarrassment.

From that simple accounting entry, multiplied 34 times, Bragg made the leap of reclassifying those ledger entries, misdemeanors by New York state law, which had expired the statute of limitations, as felony violations of federal election laws by concealing the Daniels story from the voting public in order to aid his chances of a presidential victory. 

However, the New York District Attorney had no jurisdiction to bring such  charges.  If Trump was to be indicted for violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, that would be a federal case.

But this kangaroo court show trial wasn’t about justice.  It was about weaponizing the justice system to persecute a political rival in what has been termed “lawfare”.

The Nitty Gritty of the Criminal Charges Against Trump

Of the four high profile“lawfare” cases against former President Donald Trump, the so-called “hush money” payment to porn star Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, brought in New York DA Bragg, was the first to go to trial.

The trial began on April 15, 2024, in New York Superior Court before Judge Juan Merchan, following an indictment by a grand jury filed March 30, 2023. 

The indictment charged Trump with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, New York Penal Law §175.10 [1], described as “A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”  Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony, the lowest in severity, of five classes. [2]  Critical to application of this law is the meaning of “intent to defraud”. 

In this case, the prosecutors alleged that Trump committed the act of falsifying the business records with the intent to hide another crime, the second crime being a violation of New York Election Code § 17-152: Conspiracy to promote or prevent election.

“Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.” [3]

The way I interpret that is the state is alleging that Trump falsified business records in the second degree (whatever that is), and did so with the intent to commit the second crime of promoting his own candidacy by “unlawful means”.  Bragg essentially charged Trump under a felony statute that required proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he did so with the intent to commit the misdemeanor of promoting his own electability by one, or more, of the following “unlawful means”:

  1. Violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA;
  2. The falsification of other business records; or
  3. Violation of tax laws. [4]

FECA violations would seem to be “off the table” because the Department of Justice holds jurisdiction over all federal crimes, and the DOJ would be the proper avenue of prosecution.  In effect, Bragg is claiming the reimbursements were campaign contributions but the New York District Attorney had no jurisdiction to bring such a charge.  If Trump was to be indicted for violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, that would be a federal case.

On tax law violations, Merchan describes any fraudulent information or false statement related to a material matter on a tax return as “unlawful” regardless of whether it resulted in a tax underpayment.  Not much to look at there, so apparently, the “unlawful means relate to falsification of business records, the notation of Trump’s reimbursements as “legal expenses”.

Each count in the indictment relates to a specific business document, bearing dates that range from February 14 through December 5, 2017, a period during which Trump was President.  Collectively, they are known as “hush money” payments, listed as “legal expenses” payable to Michael Cohen, including:

  • 11 for invoices from Michael Cohen

  •   9 for general ledger entries for Donald J. Trump

  •   9 for checks from Donald J. Trump

  •   3 for general ledger entries for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust

  •   2 for checks from the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust [5]

The “false entries” in the business records cited by prosecutors was the $130,000 in payments by Trump to his personal Attorney, Michael Cohen, for reimbursement of funds paid by Cohen himself, as testified in earlier proceedings, to Stormy Daniels, in exchange for her silence leading up to the 2016 election.  Trump classified those payments as “legal expenses”. 

The Judge’s Instructions to the Jury

New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan provided detailed instructions to the jury following the closing arguments from both parties.  While much of the Instructions appear to be standard legalese, some Legal Analysts have described portions of the instructions as difficult to understand by a lawyer, let alone a lay person.  I’ve cited the full document in pdf format for anyone who wishes to review the pertinent sections.

According to the jury instructions provided by Judge Merchan, “intent means conscious objective or purpose.  Thus a person acts with intent to defraud when his or her conscious objective or purpose is to do so.”  That sounds like word salad from Kamala Harris, but Merchan continues, “Intent does not require premeditation.  In other words, intent does not require advance planning.  Nor is it necessary that the intent be in a person’s mind for any particular period of time.  The intent can be formed, and need only exist, at the very moment the person engages in prohibited conduct or acts to cause the prohibited result, and not at any earlier time.” [6]  OK, so intent can be spontaneous.  Then it gets “muddy”.

In the next section, Merchan writes, “In order to prove an intent to defraud, the People need not prove that the defendant acted with the intent to defraud any particular person or entity.  A general intent to defraud any person or entity suffices.” [7]  What?  So who or what exactly was Trump “intending” to defraud?

This is where the election enters the discussion.  I get it, and most people do.  Trump allegedly thought he was paying Stormy Daniels under the terms of a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA), in exchange for her not publicizing her alleged sexual encounter that could potentially damage his candidacy.  According to Bragg’s interpretation, and Merchan’s instructions, that met the requirements of a violation of New York election law, claiming Trump was promoting his chances at the ballot box by unlawful means.  Is that defrauding the voting public?  NDAs are perfectly legal documents and they are utilized quite frequently.  But it seems odd that the judge was telling the jury that the state did not need to prove Trump had any intent to defraud the voters.  I guess they were supposed to make the connection on their own that the mere existence of the payment implied intent to defraud.

Further, on the same page, Merchan wrote, “For the crime of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, the intent to defraud must include an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.  Under our law, although the People must prove an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof, they need not prove that the other crime was in fact committed, aided, or concealed.” [8] 

Got it?  So, to consider whether the law should even be applied, the state must conclude there was an intent to commit a second crime, or to conceal the commission of the underlying first crime.  And, the state is not required to prove that “other” (second) crime was actually committed or the first crime was concealed.  So, if the state can’t prove a second crime was committed, or even whether the first crime was actually concealed, what have they proved?  Not a damn thing, right?

In reference to New York Election Code § 17-152, Merchan instructed the jury that “Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.” [9]

In other words, some jurors might think Trump was guilty of violating FECA only, while other jurors may have thought Trump was only guilty of falsifying business records, and it was not necessary that all jurors agreed.  

The Payback Will be Well Deserved

Remember that time when Hillary Clinton concocted the phony Russia collusion accusations against Trump leading up to the 2016 election?  She not only tried to pass off the false story to smear Trump’s name, but her campaign funded the entire “opposition research” and used it to encourage the Justice Department to appoint Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate it, at taxpayer expense, for two years, before Mueller reported there was no evidence of any Russian interference in Trump’s unexpected victory.  Mueller’s investigation focused on three points; Russian interference in the election, Trump associates and their connection to Russian officials (espionage), and obstruction of justice.  Her own campaign manager admitted she personally approved the plan to leak the allegations to the press in 2016.  And that was acknowledged by the extremely biased CNN. [10]

When you think about it, why would Putin want to see Trump in the White House rather than Hillary, who looked like an easy pushover when she brought out a giant red “reset” button to appease Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov? 

If Bragg is able to classify the “legal expense” of reimbursing his lawyer for a nondisclosure agreement, as intent to commit the conspiracy of promoting his own election by falsifying business records, then certainly Hillary Clinton’s Russia collusion hoax could be considered as an effort to influence the 2016 election, and all expenses incurred in that smear campaign qualify as campaign contributions.  She’s guilty of multiple felonies. 

The same can be expected for President Biden, as soon as he is removed from the White House.  The only thing that could save him from prosecution is death in office.  After his lawfare campaign against his chief political opponent, he has set a dangerous precedent, one which should haunt his every waking hour (if he is even cognizant enough to realize it).  Indicting Trump on what will prove to be phantom charges in four different jurisdictions, after trials and appeals have run their course, will give Trump every right to prosecute Biden for election interference that was far more egregious than anything he was accused of.  The Democrats are spreading fear to the voting public that Trump will exact revenge on his tormentors, in order to paint him as an evil vindictive man.  In truth, it will be more like justice, than revenge.

While we are in “roundup” mode, it would also be advisable to indict Tony Blinkin and the 51 intelligence officials who signed a letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, when the FBI had possession of it as early as December 2019 and knew it was real.  Then they repeatedly contacted and coerced social media companies to squash the story in order to protect the Biden candidacy leading up to the 2020 election.  If that’s not “election interference”, what is?

Comments welcomed.

Return to Monumental SCOTUS Decision


[1]  People v. DJT Jury Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24.pdf ; Post- Summation Instructions ; p. 27

[2]  Justia U.S. Law ; NY Penal Law § 175.10,or%20conceal%20the%20commission%20thereof

[3]  People v. DJT Jury Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24.pdf ; Post- Summation Instructions ; p. 30

wherein Merchan cites    

New York State Senate;  Legislation, The Laws of New York, Chapter 17

[4]  ibid. ; p. 31     

[5]  Prosecution of Donald Trump in New York ; Wikipedia

[6]  People v. DJT Jury Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24.pdf ; Post- Summation Instructions ; p. 28

[7]  ibid. ; p. 29   

[8]  ibid. ; p. 29     

[9]  ibid. ; p. 31     

[10]  Cohen, M. ; Hillary Clinton Personally Approved Plan to Share Trump-Russia Allegation with the Press in 2016, Campaign Manager Says ; Cnn ; May 20, 2022

The REAL Threat to Democracy 

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

Lexington and Concord

On this, the 249th anniversary of the “shot heard round the world” on Lexington Green in Massachusetts, it is appropriate to appreciate what those 70 brave Minute Men militia led by Captain John Parker, did to send a message to British commanders.

The original “stand your ground” monument on Lexington Green

These were not men who thought kindly of tyranny and oppression.  They had had just about enough and they were willing to literally put their lives on the line to fight for the freedom they sought.  They faced the most powerful military in the world and stood tall against it.

British troops, about 800 strong had marched out of Boston the night before on a mission to seize weapons and gun powder stored in the nearby town of Concord and capture Patriot leaders John Hancock and Sam Adams, who were staying at the Hancock-Clarke House just up the road from Lexington Green.  Fortunately, for the American revolutionaries, Paul Revere and William Dawes had been dispatched by Dr. Joseph Warren, who had caught wind of the British expedition, and warned them of the approaching British regulars, allowing them to escape northwards to Burlington, out of harms way.  But eight Minute Men lay dead on Lexington Green and another two were felled in the skirmish at North Bridge over Concord River, where the British lost three men before retreating back to Boston. 

A Minute Man reenactor at North Bridge, Concord

By the time they came back down what is now known as Battle Road towards Lexington, Dr. Warren and Captain Parker had gathered thousands of Minute Men along the route to Boston, ambushing the column from all angles for the next 12 miles.  At the end of the day, there were 73 British killed in action and many more wounded.  The Americans suffered 49 dead.  [1]

It was “go time”.

When Warren’s mother saw him later that day, she urged him to never put himself in such danger again.  Warren replied, “Now is no time for any of America’s children to shrink from any hazard.  I will set her free or die.”

Fifty-nine days later, he was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 

That being said, why do I mention this little episode from the American Revolution?

Because I know there are Patriots who will view this and feel the same way.

The Warning and the Caviat

There are millions of Americans who are totally fed up with the direction Marxist communists are taking this country.  Many of them are military vets and members of groups who consider themselves armed militia.  Please be advised that no matter how angry you are and how justifiable your ambitions may be, it would be foolish to directly confront the active U.S. military commanded by the very political leader you might hope to supplant.  Any armed revolution would be disastrous.  There are alternative methods to restore our republic without committing suicide. One such method is to speak the truth about every aspect of Marxist ideology currently being installed by Obama’s communist agenda, whether he can be directly implicated, or carried out by his political puppets and his activist army.  Patriots must unite behind the cause to save America and the best way I see at this time is to inform them of what is really going on and convince as many people as possible to vote against this Marxist, anti-American regime.  Remember, it was Obama himself who proclaimed at a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri on October 30th 2008 that, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  No one asked what he meant, but now it is clear, his “fundamental transformation” was to convert America to communism.

His legacy cannot be allowed to happen.

I am openly calling for every Patriot to speak out, but you must be cautious in what you say and make sure you don’t cross the line into unprotected speech.  To that end, I urge you to be aware of the extremely important Supreme Court decision in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969).

Essentially, a Ku Klux Klan leader was convicted of violating an Ohio law that “prohibited public speech that was deemed as promoting illegal conduct”.  After going through the appeals process, SCOTUS overturned the verdict under the principle that speech was protected as long as it did not call for “immediate unlawful action”.  In the Brandenburg case, there was no proposal for anyone to commit illegal activity.  There was no imminent danger to any individual, public safety or the community at large.  His speech, though it may have been construed as “hateful”, was perfectly legal, and protected under the First Amendment.

For example, though it is protected speech to advocate overthrowing the government, it would be unprotected, and subject to prosecution, if you named a rally point and a time to assemble to forcibly enact a plan to do so.

The Police State

We are in a time when anything you say, can and will be held against you.  Though he was eventually exonerated, Brandenburg was damaged by the prosecution and it took five years for his case to be overturned.  It could be argued that Donald Trump’s “hush money” trial in New York right now is on very shaky legal grounds, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg doesn’t care about whether the Supreme Court could overturn his successful conviction in a biased courtroom.  His only objective is to apply maximum damage to the Trump campaign.  Once Trump’s reputation is damaged in the eyes of the voters and the 2024 election is over, it’s too late.

There is yet another reason to avoid such controversy.  And that is the “surveillance state”.  In case you missed it, on the 13th of November 2023, Democrat New York Governor, Kathy Hochul, announced that the state would “ramp up surveillance efforts of social media accounts and that law enforcement will take proactive measures, including contacting people on suspicion of using ‘hate speech’.” [2] 

Hochul offered assurance that New Yorkers could “feel safe” about their personal security due to the state’s social media analysis unit, which has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence, and direct threats to others.  In other words, everyone should be thankful that the state is watching the entire spectrum of social media platforms looking for speech that some undefined expert analyst may deem threatening, under the guise of “safety”.  As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Perhaps Gov. Hochul should be made aware of the “Brandenburg test” because any person they decide to harass could cite the 1969 Supreme Court decision as a defense and the taxpayers of New York will have funded another pea-brained virtue signal.

So to all you federal agencies (and we know you’re watching) who may catch wind of this, or anyone’s speech deemed “hateful”, or offensive to your undefined “standards”, be advised of the Brandenburg defense.

Again, to remind all Patriots, the “surveillance state” is real and it is fully operational.  Everything you post on Facebook, or tweet on X, is captured and recorded by a fascist regime that will do anything to remain in power.  The proof is ongoing in New York City right now, as a judge who donated to the Democrat Party refuses to recuse himself for obvious conflict of interest, reviews potential jurors from a 90% Democrat district who have been coached to lie on their questionnaires by a former Asst. U.S. Attorney, in a case brought by a D.A. who fabricated felony charges out of misdemeanors that had expired statutes of limitations, and a State Attorney General who promised to “get Trump” as her campaign platform.  In other words, he is being railroaded like the express trains to Auschwitz.  A complete travesty of American justice.

If they decide they want to come after “hate speech” from dissidents, you may have a strong defense in Brandenburg, but it won’t matter after they bankrupt you and destroy your life.  We the People are undoubtedly already on their watch list of “domestic terrorists”.  And the actual fascists call MAGA Republicans a threat to our democracy, while their Propaganda Media Complex trumpets the mantra.

The Cause

Much as it was for the Minute Men of 1775 and all Patriots who rallied to the cause throughout the American Revolution, it has come to the point that we must recognize our way of life is in serious jeopardy.  The enemy is the Democrat Party and all that it stands for.  They must be totally crushed to save our republic.  We watched Donald Trump shock the world in 2016 by defeating Hillary Clinton, the presumptive heir to Obama’s legacy, and how the left denied his legitimacy because they felt they were entitled to rule.

We know they were willing to do anything to regain power, including stealing elections.  There is nothing they won’t do to keep it.

We the People may rest only when their legitimacy is completely destroyed.  We don’t need to see it collapse entirely, but their communist agenda cannot stand.  Until the DNC reforms their Marxist, anti-American platform, they must be critically attacked from every angle, exposed for every unconstitutional maneuver they make, and voted against at every opportunity. 

Speak out. 

Make the silent majority the moral majority.

Stay the course.



[1]  Lexington and Concord: The Shot Heard ‘Round the World ;American Battlefield Trust

[2]  Standing for Freedom Center Staff ; New York Announces it Will Take Citizen Surveillance and Censorship to the Next Level ; November 17, 2023

Biden v. Texas

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The Immigration Crisis

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three years, you’re well aware that we have an immigration crisis taking place on our southern border.  On Biden’s first day in office, he reversed former President Trump’s policies that had reduced illegal immigration, sending a signal to the entire world that our border was now wide open for anyone who wanted to wade across the Rio Grande, no strings attached. 

Under Trump, migrants who had been crossing the border, were detained and processed under Title 42, temporarily replacing Title 8.

Title 42 is part of the Public Health Service Act of 1944 and was codified to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases in the U. S. President Trump activated it in March 2020 to combat COVID 19, and it was to remain in effect until it expired on 11 May 2023, during the Biden administration.

On that day, DHS Secy. Alejandro Mayorkas said, “Starting at midnight, people who arrive at our southern border will be subject to our immigration enforcement authorities under Title Eight of the United States Code.”  Right now, he is undergoing impeachment hearings in the House for lying to Congress repeatedly, claiming the border was secure, and failure to enforce Title 8.  There is zero chance he will be removed from office because the Democrat-controlled Senate will save his job, and even if he was, Biden could just nominate another puppet.

Trumps policies also included building the wall, increased border security funding, zero tolerance for migrants caught illegally crossing by returning them to Mexico, ending the diversity visa lottery, banning immigration from 7 predominately Muslim countries that harbored terrorists, restricting family-based immigration, and expediting asylum procedures.  When Biden reversed all that, the cartels started coaching migrants to claim asylum.

Chart 1:  This graph shows how quickly illegal immigrant encounters escalated as soon as Biden took office in January 2021 (the red dots on the graph).  Notice the last month data was available shown here is Nov 2022, and compare that to the numbers shown below for the previous five months.

It is also noteworthy that in April 2020, almost all encounters were of Mexican nationals and by November 2022, there were an estimated 129,090 encounters from “other countries” (62.6% of the total), excluding Mexico (23.5%) and the Northern Triangle (13.9%). [1]   

Chart 2:  Fiscal Years 2021 (beginning Oct 2020) through 2023 plus Q1 of 2024, showing the rapid escalation in illegal immigrant encounters since Biden took office on 20 January 2020 (the red line separates Trump and Biden).

In Biden’s first full month in office, encounters increased 29% and February 2021 was the only month during Biden’s term with fewer than 150,000 encounters, other than June 2023 (144,556). [2]    

You will see below under The New Immigration Bill that the Democrats are proposing 150,000 immigrants per month.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) estimates for encounters at the southwest border since August 2023, by month, were 232,963 (Aug), 269,735 (Sep), 240,981(Oct), 242,407 (Nov), 302034 (Dec), the latest figures available.  The Democrats will tell you 150,000 is an improvement, cutting down on illegal crossings.  Similar to how they say gas prices are declining because $4 is cheaper than $5, even though it was $3 before they launched their war on American energy.

And those are just the known immigrants.  There have been another estimated 1.5 to 2 million “got-aways” during the past few years who preferred not to meet immigration officials.  Those are the ones everybody should be concerned about. 

According to Tom Homan, former Acting Director of the U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Trump from 30 January 2017 to 29 June 2018, those illegals actually paid more money to the cartels to cross undetected for a reason; they didn’t want to be fingerprinted, they didn’t want to get a notice to appear before an immigration judge, they didn’t want to be profiled.  They are the bad guys who probably have bad intentions.  They are the criminals, the drug mules, the gang members, and the human traffickers.

Those illegals who cross and turn themselves in can get across the river for a cheaper rate than the “got-aways”.

It only took 19 foreign nationals to carry out the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Imagine what 2 million unknowns could do.  One tenth of one percent is 2,000 individuals.

It’s not a question of whether anything bad is going to happen.  It’s only a question of when, and where?

Existing Immigration Laws

Despite the repeated misrepresentations you hear from high-ranking Democrats and their Propaganda Media Complex, who echo the mantra “our immigration system is broken”, as if there is nothing we can do about the influx of illegals, and that they need “comprehensive immigration reform”, the truth is we already have immigration laws.  They simply aren’t being enforced.  That fact alone, raises a whole host of serious questions, as in:

Doesn’t the Constitution mandate in Article II, Section III that the President shall “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”? 

Isn’t it part of the Presidential Oath of Office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”?

The answer to those two questions is “YES”

Why doesn’t this President enforce existing immigration laws?

There seems to be an agenda behind that policy.  One that encourages illegal immigration for a purpose.  Many suspect that purpose is to import sympathetic voters who will support the Democrat Party, “paying” Democrats back for the generous handouts they have been given. 

In fact, illegal immigrants have been given financial incentives to come here, all paid by the good old American taxpayer.

In case you missed it, Illegals are now receiving emergency Medicaid, free treatment at hospital emergency rooms, school meal programs, and other federal assistance.

After meeting a five year residency requirement, illegals can qualify for Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status, which makes them eligible for additional federal programs such as Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP, or food stamps), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the last two are essentially guaranteed incomes.

On top of that, many states have programs that pay benefits to illegal immigrants immediately, such as California’s CalFresh Food Assistance Program and their Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI).  Governor Newsom (D-CA) is currently pushing for totally free health insurance for 700,000 illegals.  What would he do if 10,000,000 show up?  Maybe all the illegals should be sent to California.

According to the National Immigration Forum, “documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out”.  The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy claims undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. [3]

The date of that two-page paper is 2018, obviously during the Trump administration when immigration was in check.  It’s a much bigger problem now.

Perhaps we should consider a more recent report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) [4], wherein they found that the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States, at the federal, state, and local levels, was at least $150.7 billion.  That’s net cost, as in after being offset by collected taxes.  FAIR calculated that number by subtracting tax revenues ($32 billion) from the gross negative economic impact ($182 billion).  That averages out to an estimated $957 per year for each American taxpayer.  Those numbers are quite different from the above referenced National Immigration Forum of 2018, and the influx of illegals has grown exponentially this past year, making it even worse.

FAIR estimates that there were at least 15.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States at the beginning of 2022.

Actually, the Biden administration is breaking immigration laws every day, thereby violating Article II, Section III and his oath of office.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 is contained in Title 8 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) covering “Aliens and Nationality”.  Below is a partial list of the provisions in Title II of the Act, titled Immigration, as may be amended. [5]

8 U. S. Code § 1181 – Admission of immigrants into the United States

8 U. S. Code § 1157 – Annul admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

8 U. S. Code § 1158 – Asylum

8 U. S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens

8 U. S. Code § 1226 – Apprehension and detention of aliens

8 U. S. Code § 1226a – Mandatory detention of suspected terrorists; habeas corpus; judicial review

8 U. S. Code § 1227 – Deportable aliens

8 U. S. Code § 1229a – Removal proceedings

8 U. S. Code § 1230 – Records of admission

8 U. S. Code § 1302 – Registration of aliens

8 U. S. Code § 1321 – Prevention of unauthorized landing of aliens

These are just a few of the myriad of provisions in INA 1952, Title II of the Act.  Obviously, I don’t have the time or space to thoroughly cover the definitions of all of these statutes, so I have listed the above in case anyone wishes to click the links and investigate on their own.

There have been subsequent laws passed to supplement and partially alter INA 1952, most notably:

The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which abolished the national-origins quota system defined in the 1952 act, and replaced it with a system whereby immigrants could be admitted based on their relationship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family member or U.S. employer.  The new law provided for a cap of 120,000 on the total number permanent residents who may be admitted from the Western Hemisphere.  That doesn’t mean all immigrants.

The Refugee Act of 1980, which established a new statutory system for processing and admitting refugees from overseas as well as asylum seekers physically present at U.S. borders or in the country.  It further defined “refugee” as any person outside that person’s country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or particular opinion.

The illegal immigrants crossing our southern border today have been coached to plead asylum, whether their claim is justified, or not.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 created two legalization programs; one to allow unauthorized aliens who have lived in the U. S. since 1982 to “regularize” their status; the other permits people who have worked at least 90 days in certain agricultural jobs to apply for permanent status.  Under these programs, about 2.7 million immigrants eventually became lawful permanent residents.

The 1990 Immigration Act raised legal admissions to 50% above the pre-IRCA level, mainly concerning employment-based immigrants.  It also terminated the discretion of sentencing judges in granting relief from deportation orders for criminal offenders, i.e., made it harder for criminals to avoid deportation.

The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) added new crimes to the definition of aggravated felony and established an “expedited removal” procedure for arriving noncitizens who border officials suspect of lacking proper entry documentation, or committing identity fraud.  Another measure to tighten up the system.

The new immigration reforms proposed don’t tighten up the system.  They just codify a way to allow a much larger influx of immigrants and probably hidden somewhere in clauses on “page 6,341” (i.e., buried), defines an easy way for them to become legal permanent residents, with voting rights.

The New Immigration Bill

At this writing, the Senate has crafted a new bill they are touting as immigration reform with some bilateral support from the Republican side of the aisle.  We don’t know what’s in it because it hasn’t been released. 

The first question that comes to mind is why not

Is there something they don’t want the full body of the Senate, or the House, to be able to scrutinize?

Maybe the sponsors don’t want to give the rest of Congress time to digest the full meaning of the bill and all its potential ramifications. 

Maybe they don’t want the political pundits to have time to examine it and publicize its negative impact on American citizens.  In any case, the bill should be released for public review and comment.  The fact that they don’t puts this bill, and every other one that is kept secret until it’s too late, in “shady” territory.

To make matters worse, reportedly it’s linked to additional funding for the Ukraine war.  WHY?

Democrats don’t want to close the border.  They can use it as a political weapon.  That’s right. 

Follow the thinking:

Democrats know the basic elements of the immigration law are not acceptable to the Republican majority in the House.  Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has publicly stated the Senate bill, based on the leaked rough details, is “dead on arrival” in the House.

Their plan is to attach another funding package to Ukraine, knowing it won’t pass the House because of the major objections to the elements in the immigration reforms.

Remember, it’s an election year.  So, actually knowing the bill won’t pass, the Democrats figure they can blame the Republicans for failure to pass immigration reform that essentially guarantees the massive influx of illegal immigrants will continue as it is right now.  And all those illegals, receiving federal and state benefits are highly likely to become Democrat voters.  As a bonus, they can blame the Republicans for not sending “critical” aid to Ukraine.

You’re not supposed to realize that all of this has been caused by the Democrats in the first place, and their Propaganda Media Complex will remind you of that constantly.  You know the border crisis was directly caused by Biden’s policies, right?  And it’s because of his projected weakness that Putin invaded the Ukraine in February 2022.  Under Trump, the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, and everyone else, was kept in check.

The only “details” we have been made privy to in the immigration reforms are that the daily influx shall not exceed 5,000 immigrants, and that the President will have the authority to shut down the border when it reaches that threshold.

Wait a minute while I do a little math.  5,000 per day equals about 150,000 per month and 1.8 million per year.

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, allowed 50,000 immigrants per year.  So this bill proposes 36 times that quota.

The Democrats claim it would never get to 5,000 and would slow down to “only” 4,000 per day.  Biden claims if he gets this deal, he will shut down the border that day.  Do you really believe any of that?  Remember, he also said he never spoke to Hunter about his business.  You are ordered to forget all that testimony from Hunter’s business partners and all those taped phone conversations.  That didn’t happen.  No one f***s with the Bidens.  Not even the law.

So I say, kudos to the Republican leadership in the House and every Representative who is vehemently opposed to this new immigration reform package.  It simply normalizes a massive influx of illegal immigrants from all over the world, most of whom we know absolutely nothing about, what they may have done in their native land, or what they are capable of here.  Not to mention the enormous cost to the American taxpayer and the excessive burdens placed on our infrastructure.  No matter what the Democrats and their media militia say, we don’t need another 1.8 million illegal immigrants coming here to threaten America in many potential ways.

As far as the aid package to Ukraine, bring it up in a stand-alone bill.  In fact, stop attaching unrelated legislation altogether.  Make every piece of legislation a stand-alone bill.  That’s the only way it can be fairly assessed.

Oh, I almost forgot.  How else are these charlatans supposed to piggy-back unpopular, nefarious legislation, onto worthy causes?

Biden Issues Ultimatum as Texas Enforces Their Own Border

On the 18th of December 2023, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed into law a bill that authorized state authorities to arrest and detain illegal immigrants anywhere in the state.  It is slated to take effect on 5 March 2024.  In the meantime, Texas has been augmenting and beefing up existing coils of razor wire at the border to deter illegal crossings.  Within hours of Abbott’s signing ceremony, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed suit to challenge the new law, formally known as SB4, alleging the state is “grasping control over immigration from the federal government and depriving people subject to that system of all the federal rights and due process that Congress provided to them, including the rights to contest removal and seek asylum.” [6]

The White House has responded through spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez that, “the federal government, not individual states, is charged with determining how and when to remove noncitizens for violating immigration laws.”

Both of those statements are true, however, as Gov. Abbott has clearly stated, the federal government has failed to protect the citizens of not only Texas, but the entire country, by not enforcing existing immigration laws, and has therefore neglected its constitutional duties.

Abbott wrote an apparent open letter, presumably addressing the Executive Branch in general, in which he outlines his position on the border.  You can read the one page letter by clicking the link in FOOTNOTE [7]  

On Monday 22 January 2024, the U. S. Supreme Court issued an order by a 5-4 vote, that federal agents should be granted access to the Shelby State Park near Eagle Pass to cut razor wire installed by Texas’ Department of Public Safety.  That order merely vacated a lower court ruling that barred the federal agents from cutting the wire until the case plays out in court.  Ultimately, the Supreme Court will need to decide whether the federal government is solely responsible for all immigration enforcement or states have the right to defend their own borders.  In the following days, Texas has refused access to the feds.  Biden gave Texas a 24 hour ultimatum to permit CBP agents to begin cutting the razor wire.  That deadline has come and gone and Biden has done nothing.  He’s actually on record as saying, “I’ve done all I can do” in terms of overall border security, and this new bill “would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed.”  

NEWS FLASH:  Hey Joe, you don’t need that authority.  You already have it.  And the border is already overwhelmed.

Put those zingers in the same category as “I never spoke to my son about his business dealings”.  In five minutes he could reinstate the policies Trump put in place to secure the border.  The same policies he reversed on his first day in office.  In my opinion, Biden will never admit that Trump’s policies worked.  Apparently, he has taken the advice of his former boss, Obama.  Just deceive them with lies and run out the clock.  He’s good at that.

Normally, I would say that federal law supersedes state law but this case bears further examination because the federal government is derelict in their obligations to the matter.  Stay tuned.  It could get interesting real soon.



[1]  Gramlich, J. ; Monthly Encounters with Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border Remain Near Record Highs ; Pew Research Center ; January 13, 2023 

[2]  Southwest Land Border Encounters ;U. S. Customs and Border Protection ; Last modified 26, January 2024

[3]  Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits ; National Immigration Forum ; 2018

[4]  The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers ; Federation for American Immigration Reform ; March 8, 2023

[5]  United States Citizenship and Immigration Services ; U. S. Department of Homeland Security ; Immigration and Nationality Act

[6]  Montoya-Galvez, C. ; Texas Immigration Law Known as SB4, Allowing State to Arrest Migrants, signed by Gov. Greg Abbott ; CBS News ; December 19, 2023

[7]  Letter from Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas ; addressed presumably to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government ; January 24, 2024

Colorado Supreme Court Goes Unconstitutional

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The Colorado Supreme Court Rules Trump Ineligible for Primary Ballot

On Tuesday the 19th of December 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court bared former President Donald J. Trump from having his name on the 2024 GOP Primary ballot.  The unprecedented ruling was issued claiming Trump “instigated” violence at the Capitol on January 6th 2021 as lawmakers were meeting to certify the results of the 2020 election. 

The basis for their decision rests in the 14th Amendment,

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office, which states,

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof.  But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability.”

The key words are “shall have engaged in”.  To be clear, that implies an inherent conviction in a court of law.  This is not the place for interpretation of whether or not the subject individual may have engaged in insurrection or rebellion.  In American jurisprudence, any Defendant is innocent until proven guilty.  Even Donald Trump. 

This is the procedure you might see in a banana republic, where political opposition is persecuted without recourse.  This can not stand in the United States of America.  Because he has not been convicted, or even charged with insurrection, the Colorado Supreme Court decision is unconstitutional, denies Trump the constitutional right of due process under the 5th Amendment, and violates 52 U.S. Code § 10307, which states under,

a. Failure or refusal to permit casting or tabulation of vote

“No person acting under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person to vote who is entitled to vote under any provision of Chapters 103 to 107 of this title or is otherwise qualified to vote, or willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report such person’s vote.”

In other words, the COSC has disenfranchised the public voters by denying them the ability to vote for their person of choice based on an unconstitutional ruling.  They have interfered with the public’s right to choose their preferred candidate by coercion.  If the voters can’t see the name as a candidate, they have been coerced into voting alternatively.

The Origins of the Case

From a Reuters article; [1]

“The case was brought by a group of Colorado voters, aided by the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who argued that Trump should be disqualified for inciting his supporters to attack the Capitol in a failed attempt to obstruct the transfer of presidential power to Biden after the 2020 election.”

CREW’s President said in a statement that the court’s decision “is necessary to protect the future of democracy in our country.”

The Reuters article goes on to say that “some advocates had hoped the Colorado case would boost the overall disqualification effort . . .”

Well, it looks like they may get their hopes granted.  There are currently 13 more states considering to ban Trump’s name from their primary ballots; AK, NJ, OR, NM, NV, NY, SC, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, and WY.  We’re about to find out which of those states are as foolish as Colorado, and it makes me wonder if there is someone coordinating this unconstitutional effort.  Coincidental ?  I don’t believe that for a second.  This is a highly organized campaign.

Nothing says “communism” like the radical left-wing Marxist movement.  And every time I turn around, it looks like yet another scheme coming from an epicenter on Martha’s Vineyard.  He’s got his entire ideological party and his Propaganda Media Complex convinced that Trump must be stopped by ANY means necessary and they know they will get away with anything to do it.  Democrats are above the law, period !  

Isn’t it ironic how Democrats keep lecturing us on “protecting our democracy” when, in fact, they are doing precisely everything they can to destroy it ?

Then they expect you to believe the absolute nonsense they are spewing from their incredibly deceitful and delusional voice boxes.  They are stone cold drunk on “Socialist Kool-Aid”.

Furthermore, there is no charge against Trump for “inciting his supporters to attack the Capitol.”  But hey, you’re not supposed to question their accusations over minor details.  You are being conditioned to believe everything they say.

Just for the record, Trump actually said to his supporters at the January 6th rally, to go “peacefully and patriotically” protest at the Capitol.  That is NOT instigating violence or incitement to riot.  The actual events at the Capitol are highly controversial and could be argued at great length some other time.

What Exactly is it that Leftists Hate About Trump ?

When I say “leftists”, I’m referring to that faction of the Democrat Party that is directing every move they make, and don’t make.  I’m not talking about the old hippies who grew up influenced by the likes of JFK and Jimmy Carter.  Those “traditional liberals” don’t even realize their beloved party has been hijacked by extreme left-wing Marxists Hell-bent on turning America into a communist nation.  The only problem with them is they keep voting to their own detriment with blind loyalty influenced by hard-sell propaganda.

What do they hate the most ?  Was it:

the booming economy ?

the low inflation ?

the low unemployment across all ethnicities ?

the energy independence that weaned us off foreign oil ?

the secure border that kept illegal immigration at a minimum ?

the lack of unending foreign wars ?

the respect on the world stage that kept adversaries at bay ?

Surely, it can’t be any of those realities.  When I asked my liberal wife, she had a hard time coming up with a suitable answer, mainly because she knew I could destroy it in less than 60 seconds, but finally said something like, “I objected to him saying ‘grab her by the pussy’”.  OK, so you don’t like him personally for something he allegedly said 15 years before he ran for office to a golfing partner in a locker room setting.  What a “thoughtful” answer.  And I suspect there are a lot of women who held that against him in 2016 and 2020.  Does that really warrant voting against all those abovementioned accomplishments in lieu of a communist agenda ?

Or, is it something more sinister ?

A lot of political pundits believe the Democrats are terrified that Trump will actually “drain the swamp” by exposing the heinous corruption they have been engaged in for the past several decades.  That is a plausible explanation.  Keep in mind, Democrats like Obama and Biden could easily be found guilty of treason.  It doesn’t take a lot of ink to connect the dots when you realize who is at jeopardy and who is orchestrating everything for their own protection.

Whatever the reason(s) may be, it’s incredible how viciously and vigorously the Democrats and their Propaganda Media Complex have attacked Trump and his family business.  There is literally nothing they won’t do to keep him from winning the 2024 election.  No law will stand in their way.  No constitutional protections will prevent him from being legally persecuted right up to Election Day.  No vote count will allow it.  Which is why I believe with every fiber of my being that they will steal the presidency, again.  They have to because their own lives are at stake.  Every American should be furious that traitors are destroying America.

We the People demand accountability.  The 2024 election is a choice between America and communism.  It’s that simple.



[1]  Goudsward, A. & Queen, J. ; Trump Barred from Colorado Primary Ballot for Role in US Capitol Attack ; Reuters ; Dec 20, 2023

Our Immigration System Isn’t Broken 

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

Stymie Them with Deflection

Less than 36 hours before the expiration of Title 42, set to expire at midnight on 11th May, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorcas  [1], took to the podium to announce that the massive influx of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border is to be blamed on Congress, for failing to enact immigration reforms.  In recent days there have been over 10,000 illegal crossings per day, and they are set to be released into the interior with no method of tracking their whereabouts.  

Nevermind that the Biden administration held complete control of Congress for two years and did nothing to address the invasion of illegals.  In fact, they advertised that the United States was willing to accept any and all comers in an veritable “come on down” invitation.  Now that Republicans have regained control of the House of Representatives, it’s their fault.

Maybe someone should remind Sect. Mayorcas that we already have immigration laws that have been on the books for decades.  Maybe the Biden administration should be enforcing existing laws, instead of deflecting blame onto newly elected Republicans.

There is a law titled Immigration and Nationality Act, enacted in 1952.  It’s been amended many times over the past 70 years and now includes several statutes that fall under Title 8 U.S. Code, to name a few:

§ 1152 – Numerical Limitations on Individual Foreign States

§ 1154 – Procedure for Granting Immigrant Status

§ 1157 – Annual Admission of Refugees and Admission of Emergency Situation Refugees

§ 1158 – Asylum

§ 1181 – Admission of Immigrants into the United States

§ 1182 – Inadmissible Aliens

§ 1185 – Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens

§ 1222 – Detention of Aliens for Physical and Mental Examination

§ 1223 – Entry Through or from Foreign Territory and Adjacent Islands

§ 1225 – Inspection by Immigration Officers; Expedited Removal of Inadmissible Arriving Aliens; Referral for Hearing

These just touch on the subject and I’ve linked them for convenience should anyone care to review them.  There are many others that may be of interest.  Perhaps Sect. Mayorcas should be apprised of these laws he is supposed to be enforcing, rather than grandstanding for “news” cameras in a feeble attempt to convince the idiots that support the Democrat agenda that the whole situation is completely unavoidable. Our immigration system isn’t broken. This administration is just breaking its laws, every day.



[1]  Wikipedia

The Two-State Solution

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The System

We are all part of “the system”, being the institutions and mechanisms by which we are governed.  The system, inspired by the Declaration of Independence and defined by the Constitution, created the most prosperous nation in the history of man.  Suddenly, it’s not good enough for radical left-wing activists driving the Democrat party towards communism.  In their collective minds, everything about America is shameful and must be torn down, then restructured to their liking, in the form of a socialist (communist) state.

When Lenin rose to power with the Bolsheviks and overthrew the Provisional government centered in the capital city of Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), he was considered the leader of the Russian Revolution.  When Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty and replaced the government of Iran with the Islamic republic, he was recognized as the leader of the Iranian Revolution.  When the French Revolution broke out in 1789, it was viewed as a period of radical and societal change.  The early years were dominated by struggles for political control, economic depression, and civil disorder.  Sound familiar?  The conditions we are experiencing right now are starting to look like a comprehensive strategy by revolutionaries, or a certain mastermind, designed to radically transform America into a socialist state.  He even told us, out loud in front of a microphone, he was going to do it.  He is implementing a second American Revolution designed to overthrow the government while everyone is distracted by multiple crises of his own creation, the Cloward-Piven strategy. [1]   

To quote Wikipedia; “In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to “alter or abolish” a government that acts against their common interests or threatens the safety of the people without cause. Stated throughout history in one form or another, the belief in this right has been used to justify various revolutions, including the American Revolution, French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the Iranian Revolution.”  [2]

The DNC voting base has been thoroughly indoctrinated and remain loyal to their beloved party, which was at one time respectable.  Traditional liberals, many we know to be decent people, don’t even realize the Democrat party has been hijacked by radical revolutionaries and is no longer working for them, no longer the champion of minority interests, or the underprivileged, and bears no resemblance to their parent’s Democrat party.  The DNC now wants to make us all underprivileged, by controlling the population under the iron fist of conformity, overregulation and excessive taxation.

Witness the “climate change” movement and Biden’s war on American energy.  Runaway inflation directly caused by the war on fossil fuels is a burdensome tax on every American family.  Their entire domestic policy is driven by the Green New Deal and the message is “just buy an electric car”.  But Democrats never consider the “ripple effect” of their ridiculous ideas. 

They expect the dumb asses who keep voting for them to trumpet their cause.  Their propaganda media complex, including big tech, is there to shame all resistance and silence the opposition.  It’s their “go to” play. 

Setting aside the fact that we all are supposed to suffer economic consequences to achieve some pie-in-the-sky “save the planet” nonsense, the critical thinker might ask a few questions, like:   

China and India are the world’s largest polluters.  How can you expect to clean the environment if the other side of the same planet is exempt from your policy?

90% of CO2 emissions come from decaying leaves.  Are you proposing that all the world’s trees be cut down?  If not, why are you targeting less than 10% of the source?

How many solar panels and windmills does it take to upgrade every power generating facility in the country?

Mass production of EV batteries will require vast quantities of metals and minerals.  How do you plan to mine those resources without consuming massive quantities of diesel fuel?  (see my article The DNC War on American Energy.)

The Green New Deal is nothing more than a colossal virtue signal.

The system is bigger than any political party or any individual politician.  The system is not to be tampered with, reformed, or “fundamentally transformed” to Obama’s specifications.  We the People are the “shareholders” of America.  The government does not rule us.  We are to direct them, by electing representatives who pledge to sustain the ideals, customs, and freedoms we are to preserve for generations to come. 

We the People, as the stewards of America, are in an ideological war to save the system that was created to govern us on a limited basis.  The government was never intended to control the American people.  It is supposed to serve us.

The State of the Union

The state of the union, as it exists today, is unacceptable to any red-blooded American Patriot.  When a presidential election has been rigged to install a fraudulent President, by manufacturing phony ballots, We the People are treading uncharted waters.   

Now we have gone through two successive election cycles rigged by the DNC. Apparently, we may not have the traditional option of winning hearts and minds with better ideas, then depending on the next election to take power away from the Democrats.  As it stands, they have complete control and the means to keep it to implement their communist agenda.  We the People no longer have a vote.  Our voices have been cancelled.  We are now subject to taxation without representation. 

We are being conditioned by the propaganda media complex to believe the 2020 election fraud claims can simply be dismissed as “Trump’s Big Lie”.  

We are supposed to accept the notion that election results in battleground states won by Trump in 2016 were flipped in favor of a candidate who rarely left his basement during the entire campaign. 

There were over 1,000 independent affiants who signed sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury, that they witnessed “irregularities” in their respective voting precincts.  Could a senile old man, coddled by the media really have been so popular to earn 81 million votes, without campaigning?  Do you really believe all those “irregularities” just happened to occur where the race was predicted to be close?  What a “coincidence”.  Two, maybe three, connected oddities might be coincidences.  At some point, like five or six, odd occurrences become arrangements.  Anyone interested in the details of Trump and Republican Party lawsuits in the battleground states, regarding the 2020 election, can examine the specifics HERE [3]

It might be understandable if Trump’s performance had been poor, but the economy was robust, interest rates were low, the country had become energy independent, unemployment had been reduced to the lowest levels ever for minority groups, the military had been strengthened, and our borders were secured under his watch.  Normally, incumbents get re-elected under conditions that come close to those achievements.  Conversely, they want you to believe there was immense support for the Democrat party in the mid-term election of 2022 after two years of Biden’s terrible performance.  It simply makes no sense.  

To find out why, read my article What Happened to the Red Wave?

The DNC is the existential threat to our constitutional republic, and they are actively destroying it every day.  Not only do they attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with relentless determination, but they have effectively perfected the process of rigging elections to ensure permanent power

If, in fact, the Democrat party (DNC), successfully masterminded and engineered a fraudulent election, that could be considered as the most heinous crime in American history, because they disenfranchised the sacred right to vote from the legitimate 76 million Americans who voted under expectations that they were participating in a free and fair election.  The DNC has essentially conducted a bloodless coup d’état without firing a shot.

It’s classic taxation without representation.  So there’s THAT !

What Recourse Do We the People Have?

Faced with the realization that our vote has been cancelled, and a revolutionary Marxist regime has been installed to implement an anti-American agenda, what recourse do we have? 

The good news is, we don’t have to start another civil war or engage in a violent revolt.  Maybe there’s a way to end all the division and hatred created by Obama.  A way that could provide peace and tranquility for everyone, a political “divorce”, citing irreconcilable differences.  Why should we all remain “married” to each other?  Why put up with it any longer?

Democrats hate Republicans and Republicans hate Democrats.  That fact is not likely to change anytime soon failing the acceptance of a unifying leader rising amid automatic preconceived resistance.  In other words, “bloody unlikely”.  Essentially, 70% of the electorate is pissed off all the time at the “other side of the aisle”?  The two-party system is broken beyond repair.

In my opinion, a two-state solution could solve the entire problem. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not the originator of the concept of a two-state solution.  It has been proposed as a way to settle the conflict over territory in Israel, offering the West Bank to the Palestinians as an independent state.  The UN adopted the concept by resolution in 1974.  Neither side has been able to negotiate an acceptable agreement since.  But the concept remains “alive”.  I am not formally proposing a split of the United States.  All I am saying is that given the deep divide between the two political factions, with virtually zero chance of ever unifying the country again, a two-state solution seems like a potential option that could appease both sides.  If the idea ever gained traction, I could possibly support the movement.  

When the President of the United States has been installed by fraud for the purpose of furthering an agenda to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist nation, it becomes incumbent upon every Patriot to defend the Constitution

The Declaration of Independence addresses the very situation we are facing, WHEREIN it is stated:

“That to secure these rights (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness), Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

We the People don’t need to “institute new Government”.  We just want the government we already have.  History tells us that Lincoln raised an army to squash the seceding southern states in the Civil War.  However, the two-state solution is not a rebel faction declaring intentions to secede from the United States.  On the contrary, it proposes a method to sustain American values and the institutions that represent our original constitutional republic, in the face of a radical movement to install an antithetical form of government guided by a cabal of actual revolutionaries who have seized the reigns of power by fraud. 

There’s just one major obstacle; We the People can’t expect those controlling the levers of power to go along with the idea.  In fact, I’d expect them to vow to crush any opposition by military force, and I’m afraid the U.S. military would follow the orders of a fraudulent Commander-in-Chief before they would question their oath of office[4]

The DNC needs the tax base of the producers to fund their bloated welfare state.  They propose guaranteed minimum incomes for as many dependent voters as they can find, or import, and they expect the wealthy and the working middle class to support them.

Despite the appeal that could grow in popularity among the masses, I’m guessing the DNC power players would rather tax the middle class into poverty and wait for their agenda to play out, rather than settle for any quick political “nirvana” offered by a two-state solution.  The DNC doesn’t really care about the people, they just want to keep them under control.  They likely prefer the iron fist over the peace pipe that dries up their cash cow.  When hard core Patriots come to that conclusion, all bets are off.   

DISCLAIMER: For the benefit of the NSA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies;

I’m not proposing any sort of revolution,  I’m not standing on busy street corners shouting out the need to overthrow the government by force. (see 18 U.S. Code § 2385).  There are several codified felonies that address revolutionary actions I am well aware of and intend to avoid at all costs.  The key requirement in most of those codes is “by force or violence”.  For me to get behind any such movement that advocates a two-state solution, the end game would need to be a negotiated settlement executed amicably and peacefully. 

I don’t have a political action committee.  I don’t belong to any terrorist group.  I don’t lead any militias.  Nor am I aware of any secret meetings to organize any clandestine operations.  I’m just exercising my first amendment right to say what I think could work to solve the deepest irreconcilable division this country has seen since the Civil War.

When Lincoln said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand”, he was talking about the ideals of freedom for all and the institution of slavery could not coexist — morally, socially, or legally — under one nation. 

Replace the word “slavery” with the phrase, “the ideology of the radical left-wing faction controlling the Democrat party”, and the quote remains relevant. 

What Is the Two-State Solution and How Would it Work?

It is not necessary for American Patriots to secede from the union, as the rebel south did in the Civil War, because We the People are the “owners” of America and have no intention of leaving our country.  The DNC is the real “rebel” force that has been in the process of “reforming” America and they appear to have permanent control the Senate and the White House.    

We the People recognize the need to restore our voices in the system we were blessed to be governed by.  It is therefore imperative that our rights be guaranteed and granted to future generations as it was always intended by the founders.  We cannot sit back and watch our country be “fundamentally transformed” by radical Marxists.

The two-state solution is not any sort of departure from the United States.  It is the expulsion of revolutionaries who have usurped the levers of power by fraud We the People are kicking them out of America and sending them into permanent exile with one irresistible benefit, we are offering territory with consideration of the states that represent traditional political strongholds, a peaceful and amicable division of the United States into two separate nations.  They would be hard-pressed to find a better deal anywhere, or at any time.  It could be much worse for them in the future, should conservatives figure out how to prevent stolen elections and the power structure shifts. 

To accomplish a territorial division, with the least amount of disruption, would entail a split of the rebel nation into two distinct regions. This new “rebel” nation established by defined international borders could be known by any name their leaders, the current high-ranking Democrats, choose.  For lack of a better term, I would suggest they honor their “supreme leader” and name it Obamastan, split into East Obamastan and West Obamastan.  Details could be negotiated by Congress and adopted by resolution.  The date the resolution is signed by the President would be known as the Date of Resolution. 

They could adopt any form of government to their liking, without interference from America.  They could control their population in any manner their leaders see fit. 

After one year from the Date of Resolution, those residing in East or West Obamastan would permanently denounce their U.S. citizenship and become citizens/subjects of Obamastan. 

East Obamastan would contain most of the northeast U.S., and West Obamastan would occupy the west coast.  Yes, it might be slightly inconvenient to travel between East and West Obamastan, but they are responsible for their own division.  It’s a fair trade-off for political “nirvana”.

All current United States citizens must choose which type of government they wish to live under and will have one year from the Date of Resolution to relocate their residence, if necessary, to their desired country.  The one-year time frame within which every citizen, and non-citizen, must make their individual decisions, shall be known as the “Transition Period”.  After the Transition Period, all people shall be determined to have made their decisions final and will be considered citizens of that respective nation.  Those who decide to occupy East or West Obamastan will forfeit their U.S. citizenship at the expiration of the Transition Period.

All remaining United States citizens occupying territory outside Obamastan will be issued a United States passport and a federally validated photo ID card that must be shown to vote, start a business, buy real estate, lease property, and other official actsAttempts to perform any of those functions without a valid ID card will result in immediate arrest warrant and deportation to the nearest border checkpoint for deportation to their country of origin or into Obamastan.

America would retain our constitutional republic form of government. There would be a new federal capital city built at a suitable centralized location and the federal government would be downsized from its current bloated bureaucracy to essential agencies.  For example, all the various cabinet positions could be consolidated into the Departments of State, Treasury, Interior, and Defense in sweeping reforms that would streamline the functioning of the government and cut waste.  Federal legislators would be elected under term limits with all members of Congress serving a maximum term of 14 years (two full terms as a Senator, or six full terms as a Representative, plus 2 years maximum for any seats filled by special election due to death, retirement, resignation, impeachment, etc.).  Any political party could be formed, and encouraged to participate, by nominating candidates that support the Constitution.  Anti-American political movements would crumble on their own.

The United States will retain and maintain its military within our borders, but we will keep a close eye on potential threats posed by using Obamastan as a “launching pad” for military operations against the United States.  Any military threat will be viewed as a potential invasion and dealt with appropriately.

Non-citizens, from Obamastan, or any other country, may travel or visit the United States on a limited basis with a maximum stay of six weeks in any continuous period, but must check in and check out at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility and have a valid passport stamped.  There are ways to track individual travelers that don’t need to be specified here, but violators would be subject to prosecution, fines, and/or future travel restrictions.

There could be trade agreements negotiated in good faith, regulated by international law.  Any trade deficits between nations would be settled annually (no accumulation of debt).  Each nation would be responsible for the welfare of its own citizenry.  The United States will offer no foreign aid to Obamastan.

Immigration to the United States would require going through the process legally.  Our borders are NOT open.  All illegal immigrants would be directed to California with relocation expenses charged to the national debt of Obamastan.

What Would the Two-State Solution Look Like?

The most sensible way to subdivide the United States into two separate independent nations, would be to acknowledge those sectors of the country where the two major political parties are dominant.  In other words, a geopolitical split that is the least disruptive to as many people as possible.  Unfortunately, no division could satisfy everyone.  Under such a plan, I would need to relocate myself, but if I can do it, anyone can.  Is political peace not worth the effort?  I’d wager that anyone who leans left, or right, stuck “behind enemy lines” could find the motivation to get out.  Apathetics could remain in place by choice.

From the electoral map of the country shown below in Figure 1, we can clearly see the west coast and the northeast are the two primary Democrat strongholds.  Only Illinois, Colorado, and New Mexico lie amidst the heartland of conservative America.  Liberals in those states, or any other, could elect to stay as U.S. citizens by choice, but why would they want to when the “utopia” of their dreams is within reach?  Why fight it any longer? 

In 2020, Biden supposedly “won” several of the Trump “red” states, but under very mysterious circumstances.  I would say, this 2016 map is more accurate in terms of true political preference and the plan is based on this map.

Figure 1: Electoral map, 2016 Presidential election

Proposed Border between America and East Obamastan

A new international border shall form the boundary between the United States of America and East Obamastan, primarily along the centerlines of watercourses and the Appalachian Trail, as follows (south to north):

From the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay between Norfolk, Virginia and the “Eastern Shore” peninsula, up the Cheaspeake Bay to the mouth of the Rappahannock River;

up the main branch of the Rappahannock to its headwaters just northeast of Chester Gap, Virginia, near the Mosby Campsite, and continuing uphill a short distance to a point in the centerline of the Appalachian Trail;

following the Appalachian Trail northeasterly through Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York to the centerline of the Hudson River under the Bear Mountain Bridge at Fort Clinton, New York, just upriver from Peekskill;

up the main branch of the Hudson River northerly to Fort Edward, New York to the centerline of the Champlain Canal;

following the Champlain Canal northeasterly to Whitehall, New York, where it meets the Vermont state line;

following the New York-Vermont state line northerly through Lake Champlain to its northern terminus at the Canadian border.


East Obamastan shall consist of the complete states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware; southeastern parts of New York, all but the northern tip of New Jersey, southeastern parts of Pennsylvania, most of Maryland, and parts of northern Virginia.

Those parts of New York and Maryland will retain their state names as part of East Obamastan.  Southeastern Pennsylvania will be renamed to something that does not connote “Penn’s Woods”.

The portion of northern Virginia north of the Rappahannock River and the “Eastern Shore” peninsula will be annexed by Maryland.  

The portion of “upstate” New York west of the Hudson and north of the Appalachian Trail will adopt a new state name and retain its capital city at Albany.

The portion of New Jersey north of the Appalachian Trail will be annexed to “upstate” New York.

The portion of western Maryland west of the Appalachian Trail will be annexed to Pennsylvania, which shall build a new capital city at a location to be determined.  The Liberty Bell shall be relocated from Philadelphia to the new capital city.  The symbol of freedom must remain in America.  Ironically, the two cities that were the “birth centers” of the American Revolution, Boston and Philadelphia, will become part of East Obamastan, a communist nation.  Such is the price of ideological warfare.

What Will the Eastern Border Look Like?

Figure 2: proposed border (approx.) between the United States of America and East Obamastan, as described above

Proposed Border between America and West Obamastan

A new international border shall form the boundary between the United States of America and West Obamastan, essentially following existing state lines, as follows (south to north):

From the Mexican border at the state line between Arizona and California;

Following the Arizona- California state line northerly up the Colorado River to the Nevada state line;

Following the Arizona-Nevada state line northerly to the Utah state line;

Following the Utah-Nevada state line northerly to the Idaho state line;

Following the Idaho-Nevada state line westerly to the Oregon state line;

Following the Idaho-Oregon state line northerly to the Washington state line;

Following the Idaho-Washington state line northerly to its northern terminus at the Canadian border.


West Obamastan shall consist of the complete states of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, and Hawaii.

The entire state of Alaska will remain part of the United States of America.

For Patriots/Conservatives Only (delete this chapter before sharing)

Imagine if the two-state solution gained some momentum by spreading the word to develop a groundswell.  Please share the concept among friends, family, and co-workers to gathering support.  What if the masses of Democrat voters figured out the DNC elites were only exploiting the working class to enrich themselves and started protesting their own political leaders, demanding a political “nirvana” the DNC rejects.  How awesome would that be?  Maybe I’d start selling popcorn on Amazon.



[1] Cloward-Piven Strategy ;Wikipedia


(seems to have been partially taken straight from the Declaration of Independence)

[3]  Petras, George ; A Quick Guide: Trump’s Lawsuits Dispute Election Results as Presidency is Called for Biden ; USA Today ; Nov 16, 2020

[4]  Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office ; U.S. Army Center of Military History

As every American should know, the President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of all branches of the U.S. military. 

All U.S. military officers must swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; . . . “ 

The “military oath” has changed over the years, but essentially retains its core principles.  To examine the various oaths, visit the website, or click the link in the article. 

To obey orders that directly contradict an officer’s oath, presents the officer with a conflict; obey the order, or violate the oath.  It could be argued that honoring the oath takes precedence over orders “from the top”, particularly when the orders seem corrupt, illegal, unethical, immoral, or unconstitutional.

The DNC War on American Energy

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The DNC War on American Energy: A Diabolical Plot 

It’s blatantly obvious that the Obiden regime has been waging a war on American energy since his first day in office when he cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and placed a moratorium on drill leases on federal lands.  [1]

The entire Democrat party is determined to implement the Green New Deal as quickly as possible, all in the name of “climate change”.  The practicality of transitioning away from fossil fuels “overnight”, relatively speaking, is of no concern whatsoever.  It’s all about virtue signaling how the radical left is morally superior by “saving the planet”.  Don’t even think about questioning their motives.  In fact, don’t even think at all.  They can’t be bothered by anyone interfering with such a noble cause.

On the surface, it might seem as if President Biden is now beholden to U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), (D-NY), her associate “squad” members in Congress, and the Green New Deal (GND) they have proposed in the House, which is backed by 101 Democrat co-sponsors.  But what brought about this resolution ?  Could it be the brainchild of someone a little more intelligent than AOC ?  That’s a distinct possibility, judging from the nonsense of previous comments that can be attributed to her.  And is it simply a coincidence that the GND furthers the “climate change” agenda of Obama ?  These are questions that deserve honest answers.  There seems to be a lot more to it than just the stupid idea of a certain intellectually-challenged Congresswoman.

What we do know for sure is that the “climate change” movement has convinced the leaders of the DNC that the American energy sector must be destroyed and the United States must be weaned off fossil fuels immediately.  The “bonus” for Obama and his army of activists is that doing so will essentially cripple this country’s entire economy, ultimately leading us into communism.  Those who scoff at such a notion, merely need to look at what has happened.  Gas prices have more than doubled since Inauguration Day, inflation has soared out of control as a direct result, and supply chains have been disrupted across many segments for goods and labor needs.  And in case you missed it, the DNC has already perfected the rigging of national elections to ensure they retain permanent power. So, there’s that.

Here’s the 7-point plan: all phases are to be implemented “by any means necessary”

  1. Coordinate election officials in key states to steal the election and seize power
  2. Declare war on fossil fuels
  3. Destroy the U.S. economy through rampant inflation
  4. Disarm the people by hoarding ammunition in case the Second Amendment proves difficult to repeal
  5. Establish electric vehicles while phasing out combustion engines due to lack of affordable fuel
  6. Control and limit the mobility of the people by regulating the power grid
  7. Install a permanent communist regime  

While they are working on Phase 3, Phases 4 and 5 are well underway.  The White House doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this “temporary transition” to EVs.  They say the American people must suffer through some hard times in order to make progress on “climate change”.  It’s the only way to “save the planet”.

But if your plan is to “save the planet”, why are you trying to eliminate the production of oil on American soil and then flying Air Force One to Saudi Arabia to beg them to increase production of their oil ?  American oil and gas are both extracted safer and cleaner than foreign oil.  But it’s somehow fine and dandy as long as that oil and gas are produced on the other side of the same planet.

And now OPEC has announced that they will be cutting production by 2 million barrels per day, a move that will certainly cause further inflation at the pump, and everywhere else.  We are right back to 1973 for dependence on foreign oil.

Oops, you’re not supposed to question the authorities.  There must be other reasons why these matters are better left to the experts.  The American people are too stupid to critically think through such complex problems.

The same can be said about coal.  On the campaign trail at a Town Hall meeting in March 2016, Hillary Clinton said, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”  In her subsequent book What Happened, she supposedly tried to back-peddle by claiming what she meant “was the exact opposite of what came out.”  Yeah, yeah, that’s it.  [2] 

You might recall, she was Obama’s Secretary of State during his first term (2009-2013), resigning on February 1, 2013, presumably to prepare for her own run at the presidency.  But she was clearly Obama’s hand-picked successor, the darling of the media, and the heir apparent to continue installing Obama’s socialist agenda.  Then, along came Trump, and the entire universe of liberalism went berserk.  They literally could not accept the results of the last fair election, so they were determined to get him out of their way as quickly as possible.  After two failed impeachment attempts, based on fabricated falsehoods, they decided to rig election results in several key states to steal the 2020 election, and get away with it by running out the clock.  It was only 64 days from Election Day to January 6th, when the “certified” electoral votes were officially counted by Congress.  All of Trump’s legal maneuvers were denied by the media and ignored by the Supreme Court on December 11th, as they announced the Texas case, brought on behalf of six states “had no basis”.  What ?  “No basis” ?  Are you serious ?

There were over 1,000 independent witnesses who signed sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury, claiming they had seen “irregularities” within various polling stations.  Ballots were counted in the middle of the night after observers had been removed from the premises.  There were actual videos of impropriety.  All of it was swept under the rug as “Trump’s big lie.”

The DNC assured Biden he didn’t even need to campaign.  He was to just stay in his basement.  They had everything in control to manufacture 81,000,000 votes, or 90,000,000, if needed.  They were going to seize power “by any means necessary.”  And they did.

Who are you going to believe; an association of people who have one central objective and a lot to lose, or 1,000 completely independent witnesses ?

But I digress.  The point is that no later than 2016, it was clear Obama wanted to destroy the American energy sector, as he had Hillary attacking the coal industry.  And don’t forget, he delayed the Keystone XL and then on Nov 7, 2015, 4 months before Hillary’s Town Hall comment, he announced the Keystone pipeline was dead, once and for all, saying, it “would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy”. 

When Trump approved the Keystone XL and pulled the U.S. out of Obama’s Paris Climate Accord (a.k.a. the Paris Agreement), liberal minds exploded.  On the surface, the climate accords seem like a noble gesture.  A coordinated effort to reduce, and eventually eliminate, greenhouse gases in order to minimize the effect of gradually rising temperatures worldwide.  Who wouldn’t support that?  But there is an agenda driving the narrative.

The entire movement is a hoax, designed to control the global economy while establishing the authority of the New World Order, a mysterious organization that deliberately lurks in the shadows to avoid scrutiny.  That’s another subject that screams for investigation.

Keep in mind, the underlying rationale behind the war on energy is “climate change”, formerly known as “global warming”, and factually debunked by John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel. and credentialed meteorologist. [3]

In 2007 Coleman said, “Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics.  It is not a religion.  It is not something you “believe in.”  It is science; the science of meteorology.  This is my field of life-long expertise.  And I am telling you Global Warming are a nonevent, a manufactured crisis and a total scam.  I say this knowing you probably won’t believe me . . . “

In 2017 he was quoted saying, “The ‘tons and tons of carbon we are spewing into the atmosphere every day’, as Al Gore puts it, are actually a good thing.  In his rants that the Earth will become uninhabitable, Former Vice President Gore is referring to the carbon dioxide gas being released into the atmosphere as we power our civilization with fossil fuels.  However, it turns out that as the ‘greenhouse gases’ we release combine with nature’s carbon dioxide to make the planet greener and greener.”

Maybe the Green New Deal is a misleading title, similar to the Affordable Care Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.  Perhaps it should be called the Brown New Deal.  But before jumping on board with their agenda, maybe we should find out exactly what the Green New Deal is, and how it would really affect the planet.

What’s In The Green New Deal

What exactly is the Green New Deal ?

We’ve all heard about it and know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the poster child of the narrative, but what does it really mean ? 

Well, the common sense approach would be to Google it and look for the most appropriate results, and I selected the House Resolution proposed by AOC herself, which you can review HERE[4]

Screenshot of the summary shown on the government website.

Note the 5th bullet point in the list of goals; “promoting justice and equality”.  What the Hell does that have to do with greenhouse gases and their effect on the temperature of the Earth ?

Note the 2nd bullet point in the 10-year mobilization effort; “upgrading all existing buildings . . . “  So, her plan is to retrofit every building in America to “achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.”  You have to wonder how enormous the budget would need to be to accomplish such a monumental task.  But hey, money is no obstacle to these lunatics.  Not to mention the fact that it would be literally impossible to achieve that stated goal in 10 years, or 50 years for that matter.  These folks live in Fantasyland, as if they can demand a perfect world, and ‘poof’, it just happens with no consequences.

Then there’s the 3rd bullet point; “removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and agriculture sectors”.  There’s the reason Joe Obiden has attacked the American oil industry and the push for electric vehicles (EVs).  California recently passed a bill that bans the sale of new combustion engine vehicles by 2035.  The same week they announced rolling brownouts because their electric grid is already overburdened.  And this is before everybody in California is trying to charge their cars overnight.  Never mind that little problem.  The message is clear; ‘we will jam this agenda down your throats and we don’t care how difficult it will be to actually implement, or how much the American citizen must suffer along the way’.  I’m not done.  Let’s look at those beautiful $60,000 EVs in the next “chapter”.

The last (6th) bullet point claims they can “provide higher education, high-quality health care, and affordable, safe, and adequate housing to all.”

So, every person from underprivileged communities is entitled to “higher education”, regardless of merit.  Hard work and determination are to be replaced by identity politics, just to show how compassionate Democrats are.  And obviously, their gender studies and political activism courses should be free, paid by the tax payers who actually contribute to society.

All this time, I thought Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act fixed health insurance.

And exactly how does she plan to provide affordable housing for ALL when we already have a huge, growing homeless population, and a massive invasion of illegal immigrants.  They couldn’t even find beds for 50 migrants on Martha’s Vineyard.  Oh wait, it’s only 3.3 miles from the Edgartown docks to Obama’s house.  No wonder those frightening Venezuelans were deported to an onshore military base in less than 2 days.

Now she’s going to spend trillions of tax dollars to “upgrade ALL existing buildings”?  With whose money ?  (Answer: no matter how much the Treasury Dept. prints, the tax payer will feel the pain, for generations to come).  I barely have affordable housing now, and she wants to make it prohibitive.  Maybe the intention, like many other Democrat policies, is to create “equity”, by forcing the middle class out into the street, while providing “affordable” (subsidized by the tax payer) housing previously occupied by those “privileged” tax payers.  If that sounds like an unfair accusation, remember, the 5th bullet point in the list of goals, which she wrote right into the bill, is “promoting justice and equality”. 

I wouldn’t trust her to mow my lawn, let alone dictate national political agendas. 

Getting Back to That Electric Vehicle (EV): Damn Those EV Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries, invented in the late 1970s and prized for their energy density and rechargeability, are integral to two pillars of the Green New Deal: electric vehicles and power storage.

The typical battery for a 2020 model year EV contains 52 Kg of graphite, 29 Kg of nickel, 10 Kg of manganese, 8 Kg of cobalt, and 6 Kg of lithium, and other minerals and metals (let’s call them M & Ms) that total about 185 Kg (407 Lbs.), not including the M & Ms used to manufacture the electrolyte, binder, separator, and battery pack casing. [5]

Break-down of M & Ms contained in typical 2020 Electric Vehicle battery pack. Graphite and Nickel are minerals.  Manganese, Cobalt, and Lithium are metals.

Those batteries can last 10-20 years and cost about $20,000 to replace, but the warranty is typically 8 years.  At that price they should last a while, perhaps for the life expectancy of the vehicle, but what happens to them in terms of disposal?

More batteries in more landfills equals more soil contamination and more hazardous waste runoff into local watersheds.  How many liberals have fallen into line as their leaders professed to be the stewards of pollution ?  They never run short of hypocrisy.

Today, there are an estimated 15 million registered automobiles operating in the state of California alone.

So, by the time they have replaced all those “gas-guzzling” cars, California will need at least 780,000,000 Kg (858,000 tons) of graphite, 435,000,000 Kg (478,500 tons) of nickel, 150,000,000 Kg (165,000 tons) of manganese, 120,000,000 Kg (132,000 tons) of cobalt, and 90,000,000 Kg (99,000 tons) of lithium.

Is the EV Future Really Environmentally Friendly? 

And now, the $64,000 question:

How much energy is expended in producing those EV car batteries?

The answer is virtually incalculable, but here are some facts:

It takes about 400,000 gallons of water to produce 1 ton of lithium.

According to the Institute for Energy Research (IER), “mining and processing of lithium, turns out to be far more environmentally harmful than fracking.  The permanent disfiguring of the earth’s surface as we dig ever deeper for mineral resources is only part of the problem.  Water pollution is a HUGE concern.  Remember, hazardous chemicals found in groundwater will eventually find their way to the oceans too.”  [6]

I guess that’s just science they don’t want you to believe, or even find out about.

Right here in the good old United States, there is a proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada, which lies on Paiute Nation territory, and is public land under the auspices of the United States Bureau of Land Management (the original BLM). [7]  

Thacker Pass would not simply be a giant strip mine, but would also require an “enormous complex to extract lithium from the mined ore for its conversion into a non-volatile carbonate form to be made into batteries.”  Apparently, fracking is evil, but strip mining is fine, as long as it fits the Democrat narrative and furthers their agenda.  Even on American soil.

Geologic studies have estimated that the concentration of lithium at Thacker Pass would yield one ton of lithium for every 500 tons of earth removed.  Projecting that over a year, the mine would involve moving 20 to 30 million tons of earth to produce 60,000 tons of lithium.  And that’s just 2/3rds of the amount to replace the 15 million cars in California alone.  Nationwide, there are about 275 million registered vehicles.

And where does that 24,000,000,000 (24 BILLion) gallons of water come from ?

They would need to capture all of the water that flows over the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara for NINE hours, but that’s a moot point because the last time I looked, Niagara Falls was in New York.

Then of course, it requires machinery to move earth.  Heavy equipment that consumes diesel fuel. There would need to be at least one giant mining excavator and a fleet of rear dump trucks to transport the material to the processing facility, not to mention the energy needed to power the facility itself.

We’re talking about BIG excavators, the largest in the world.  Some examples are the Liebherr R9800 (45 m3 bucket), the Komatsu PC8000 (42 m3 bucket), and the Caterpillar 6060 (34 mbucket).  These behemoths consume about 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel per day, not to mention hydraulic oils and other petroleum products.

Then the number of rear dump trucks needed to keep the excavator busy, would depend on the distance from the excavator to the processing plant and the time required for each truck to complete a cycle.  The world’s two largest trucks are the Belaz 75710 and the Caterpillar 797F.  Each truck would consume about 740 gallons of diesel fuel per day.  

For example; the Caterpillar 797F Rear Dump can haul about 400 tons of material per load and would take about 5 buckets to fill from the Liebherr R9800 Excavator.  The excavator could scoop-swing and dump-swing back into “scoop position” in about 12 seconds, or 5 times per minute.  So each truck could be loaded in a minute.  That means the excavator could load about 60 trucks per hour at 100% efficiency.  If each truck takes 6 minutes to haul a load to the processing facility, dump, and return back into position “under the excavator”, that means the operation requires 7 trucks to keep the excavator busy (without idle time).  HOWEVER, that would be a hypothetical hauling operation on relatively level ground.  Look at the picture of the mine below, and you can see each truck would take much longer than 6 minutes to get out of the mine to the processing facility up top, and realize a mining operation would require many more trucks.  The method would be the same but the calculations are site specific depending on the actual equipment and the “cycle time” of each truck.

Oh, and don’t forget all the other heavy equipment on site to keep the mine operating.  And when the processed lithium carbonate is ready to go, it must be transported by truck, to a manufacturing facility.

Folks, I’m just talking about a single proposed lithium mine in the United States.  Over 50% of the world’s lithium deposits are currently produced in the “Lithium Triangle” of South America in portions of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, within some of the most arid lands in the world.  Their water has been polluted for decades.

And that’s just lithium.  What about those other vital M & Ms ?  Imagine the magnitude of production that would be required world-wide to convert all land based transportation to electricity.  I realize I’ve gotten deeply “into the weeds” here, but somebody has to dig into the real environmental impact of strip mining on such a massive scale; scarification of the earth’s surface, destruction of habitat, water contamination, consumption of enormous quantities of diesel fuel dedicated to extracting the M & Ms, and other undisclosed consequences.

Remember those giant excavators I was just talking about?  Here’s one in the mine just to illustrate the size of the mine itself.
Lithium brine fields in the Atacama Desert, South America

So when they say “saving the planet”, they are either lying to us, or they’re simply dumber than a bag of hammers.

Clearly, they don’t care about the planet.  If they did, they would be protesting against the environmental hazards related to mining all the M & Ms  required to produce the batteries.  They just need to appear to be “saving the planet” by banning drilling for oil and gas on American soil, setting an example for the world, by leading us into a clean energy future.  Riiight.  Pure virtue signaling.  Don’t pay any attention to those enormous mining operations.  The real intention is to destroy the American economy, and it’s working exactly as planned.

How ‘Bout That Power Grid ? 

Let’s not forget about the plan to convert all existing power plants to “renewable” energy, and keep fossil fuels in the ground.  Our nation’s electric grid

According to the U.S. Energy Administration (USEA), “renewable” sources such as wind, hydropower, solar power, biomass, and geothermal generated about 20% of the country’s electricity in 2020.  [8]

Straight from the USEA article are two interesting quotes in successive paragraphs, to wit:

“All-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles represent an increasing demand for electricity that could cause negative impacts on the grid. Although these new loads are not likely to strain much of our existing generation resources, high coincident peaks of EV charging in concentrated locations could strain nearby distribution equipment.”

“Demand for electricity rises and falls, depending on time of day and time of year. Electricity production, transmission, and distribution capacity must be able to meet demand during times of peak use; but most of the time, the electricity infrastructure is not operating at its full capacity. As a result, EVs are unlikely to require expanded grid capacity.”

So, the USEA admits that “local” distribution facilities, particularly in high population centers, would be “strained”, but assures us that the existing grid capacity is likely sufficient to meet enormously expanded demand.  How does that make sense ?  There is no way the existing insufficient power grid infrastructure can handle a massive increase in demand.

When I went to school, 20% meant that 80% had to come from something else, in this case, fossil fuels, specifically, natural gas and coal.

With the mid-term elections just 32 days away, the latest NPR poll suggests the number one issue concerning American voters is INFLATION [9].

Notice how the liberal NPR emphasizes the importance of abortion in their headline, which is number two overallby asignificant margin, but not viewed as importantly by Republicans and Independents combined (32%).  The chart on the left breaks down the responses by political persuasions, telling the true story (assuming you care to believe 1,236 respondents to an NPR poll).

It’s also noteworthy that Democrats basically don’t care at all about immigration or crime, 1% and 3% respectively, and that Independents join Republicans in their concerns over inflation (another 37%, or 77% combined).

In any case, it’s reasonable to recognize that inflation is a huge issue on the minds of many American voters.  And just to be clear, there is a DIRECT CORRELATION between Obiden’s war on American energy and inflation, because EVERYTHING requires fossil fuels to manufacture and distribute.  Higher fuel prices equal higher prices of ALL things.  The Green New Deal agenda is directly responsible.

At some point, you have to realize the Green New Deal might be the dumbest idea in the history of the world.  And yet, the entire DNC has fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.  They even swallowed the rod and ate the boat.  They are so stupid, they think they are “saving the planet” and feel good about themselves, all while Obama is using it to further his socialist agenda.  These are the morons the liberal left has elected, whether legitimately or by fraud, and trusted to rule us.  They MUST be stopped !

To be blunt, I hate politics and politicians.  I was completely ‘apolitical’ until Obama rose to power.  I only voted twice in my entire life before him.  Then I had to start commenting because he is that terrible for our country.  He was the first, and only, President to organize an army of activists to further his agenda, and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now.  No one could convince me that Joe Obiden is capable of coordinating such a complex master plan to destroy the economy of the United States.  No one other than Obama has the power to influence the upper echelon of the DNC.  And everything you see happening today fits perfectly into his vision of “fundamentally transforming” America into a socialist state, not by coincidence, but by design.  That is why I know, without a shadow of doubt, that Obama is running this country.

If he was doing a good job and improving the lives of American citizens of all races, creeds, and religions, I would be the first to approve of his performance.  But that is not what we are getting, is it ?  It’s going to take a tremendous effort to undo the damage he has already done.  The first step is to totally eliminate his power.  That can only be accomplished by destroying their multi-tiered anti-American platform through awareness by We the People, thoroughly defeating them at the ballot box, and thereby forcing the entire structure of the DNC to be reorganized as a more acceptable political party, if not disbanded completely.




[1]  Newburger, E. ; Biden Suspends Oil and Gas Leasing in Slew of Executive Actions on Climate Change, CNBC ; Jan 27, 2021

[2]  Roberts, D. ; Hillary Clinton’s “Coal Gaffe” is a Microcosm of her Twisted Treatment by the Media, Vox ; Sep 20, 2017

Notice the incredibly misleading headline that claims she was unfairly treated by the media.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

[3] ; John Coleman

[4]  H.Res.332 – Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal

[5]  Bhutada, G. ; The Key Minerals in an EV Battery, Elements Newsletter ; May 2, 2022

[6]  Coburn, K. ; The True Costs of Lithium Extraction: A Grim Reality for EV Owners, ; Dec 2, 2021

[7] Komanoff, C. ; Lithium Mining: The Hidden Environmental Cost of EVs, StreetsblogUSA ; Feb 9, 2021

[8]  U.S. Department of Energy ; Electricity Production and Distribution, Alternative Fuels Data Center,biomass%2C%20wind%2C%20and%20geothermal.

[9]  Montanaro, D. ;  Poll: Abortion and Inflation Collide as Top Issues in Midterm Elections,NPR ; Sep 8, 2022

Obama’s War Against America

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The Democrat party (a.k.a. the DNC) is being controlled by former President Barack Obama and their entire power structure acts in total fealty to their master. It is his “War Against America” agenda driving the country towards socialism at an alarming pace. 

A Review of Recent Political History

During the Clinton presidency the country coexisted with some degree of civility. Sure, there were differences in opinion displayed among the vocal party members, tossing political footballs “across the aisle”, but it was generally legitimate debate designed to convince their respective constituencies to support their stance on the issue at hand.  That’s exactly the way Congress was intended to perform.  Overall, the political climate was relatively calm and most of the bickering came from the extreme factions of each party, often viewed as lunacy on both sides.

When George W. Bush was elected in 2000, and for most of his 8 year term, the left expressed their discomfort for his foreign policy, particularly after he declared the “war on terrorism” following 9/11.  That’s when political tensions began to get a little more “heated”, but it was mainly coming from the left while conservatives essentially kept quiet.

Out of nowhere, Barack Obama emerged at the 2004 Democratic Convention, and was elected that November as a first-term Senator from Illinois.  The media was giddy with accolades.  The DNC groomed him to be their darling Messiah, and on February 10, 2007 he declared his intention to run for President.

There were questions raised by right-wing conservative groups about the origin of his birth, commonly known as the “birther movement”, implying he may not qualify to run for President.  The United States Constitution requires all candidates running for President to be “natural born citizens”, at least 35 years of age, and been 14 years a resident within the United States.  Some “birthers” claimed he was born in Kenya, the home of his father, and that his Hawaii Birth Certificate was a forgery.  Obama supporters immediately debunked all such accusations as racist conspiracy theories.  They rest their argument on the 14th Amendment, saying “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States . . . “ , but are they “natural born citizens” ? 

Natural Born Citizenship

The truth of the matter is that it is irrelevant WHERE Obama was born.  You won’t see this in simple Google searches, which offer liberally biased explanations that “muddy the water” to make you think Obama was qualified.  But we can make reasonable assumptions that the Framers were well versed in English legal traditions, and it logically follows that the terms and phrases they used when drafting the Constitution were based on principles established with an English legal background.  To understand these principles is certainly more valuable in assessing the intent of 18th century statutory language, than contemporary dictionaries that have been edited over the intervening centuries. 

For the sake of this discussion, it should be noted that the English term “natural born subject” is essentially synonymous with the American term “natural born citizen”, in that the English “subjects” owe their allegiance to the King in return for protection, whereas American “citizens” owe their allegiance to the nation in return for protection of their civil liberties.

The definitive description of “natural born citizen” can be traced to 18th century schools of thought, the first being English common law.  [1]

Similarly, they would have been well aware of English statutory law, and “law-of-nations” principles, which offer slight variations in the concept of “natural” law of citizenship.

Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780), the notable English jurist and judge, wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England.  In his interpretation, a “natural born subject” was closely tied to the place of birth, with a few exceptions.  A subject born within English territory was a “natural” subject because a natural relationship was formed between the person and the monarch, who was to provide protection in return for allegiance.  The principle common law exception was for children of the King’s ambassadors born on foreign land, who were classified as “natural” subjects because the father, though living in foreign territory, owes no allegiance to the local sovereignty and the child is born under the King of England’s allegiance, as the father is representing the King.

Under the principles of English common law, Obama would be considered a natural born citizen.

However, it is established in English common law, that the newborn child is tied to the father, not the mother, and owes his allegiance to the sovereignty unto which his father is bound.  And England had a complicated statutory history regarding the term “natural born”.

Under English statutory law, Parliament could alter, amend, or re-define common law by statute. [2]  In a 1708 Act of Parliament it was determined that “The children of all natural born Subjects born out of the Ligeance [3] of Her Majesty Her Heires and Successors shall be deemed adjudged and taken to be natural born Subjects of this Kingdom to all Intents Constructions and Purposes whatsoever.”  This statute was a complete re-definition of the common law.

In 1731 Parliament passed an Act to clear up the ambiguity of the term “Children of all natural born Subjects”, as defined by the 1708 Act.  It read, “All children born out of the ligenace of the crown of England, or of Great Britain, or which shall hereafter be born out of such ligeance, whose fathers were or shall be natural-born subjects of the crown of England, or of Great Britain, at the time of the birth of such children respectively, shall and may, by virtue of the said recited clause in the said act of the seventh year of the reign of her said late Majesty (i.e., the 1708 Act) and of this present act be adjudged and taken to be, and all such children are hereby declared to be natural-born subjects of the crown of Great Britain to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever.”

The main point being that the 1731 Act requires that one’s father must be a natural born subject, a departure from late 17th century statutes and a significant alteration of the 1708 Act.  

Here, we don’t look at the case of Barack Obama being born on American soil (assuming his Hawaii birth is true) from the perspective of his citizenship of the United States.  We look at the circumstance of his birth on foreign soil from the perspective of his father’s allegiance.  Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya, a natural born subject of Great Britain who owes his allegiance to the monarch of England.  Obama is determined by the 1731 Act to be a natural born subject of Great Britain.  He may have been born “out of the Ligeance” of the crown, but his father was a natural born subject, who was never a U.S. citizen.  And the reason the Founders required natural born citizenship was to prevent the perception, and real possibility, of dual loyalty.

The reasoning behind the statutory expansion of the term “natural born subjects” in the 17th and 18th centuries had to do with the expansion of foreign travel and commerce by English subjects.  Those who were abroad were still under the protection of the monarch and owed allegiance to the crown.  Children born abroad were thus entitled to the same protections as their subject parents.  In light of these developments, traditional common law rules were not sufficient to understand the true nature of the principle of natural born subjectship, thus prompting the expansion to include a broader class of people.

If we examine the writings of the Swiss legal scholar Emer de Vattel (1714-1767), particularly his book The Law of Nations  [4], wherein he wrote, “By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights; the place of birth produces no change in this particular, and cannot of itself furnish any reason for taking from a child what nature has given him . . . “  [5]

Here Vattel is in agreement with the English 1731 Act of Parliament. 

It is incumbent upon those who question, or defend, Obama’s status as a natural born citizen, to understand these principles, for it was certainly the body of knowledge drawn by the framers to form the language in Article II, Section I,  Clause 5 of the Constitution, wherein it states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; . . . “

In my (almost never) humble opinion, I believe the framers considered the school of thought presented by Parliament in 1708, reiterated in 1731, and the insight provided by Vattel, all 18th century refinements to earlier common law, when they wrote the natural born citizen clause.

Yet no one stepped up to stop Obama’s candidacy on the basis of the constitutional requirement.  He was emboldened from the very beginning, and he adopted an “untouchable” persona that he exploited with increasing regularity.  It is the attitude adopted by the entire DNC hierarchy, probably under his own encouragement, flaunted against the sensibilities of the American people to this day; they believe they can do anything they want, without consequence, and they know the mainstream media will defend them from all angles.  They simply don’t care what anyone says in defiance.  In fact, they will persecute and prosecute their political enemies.

The Communist Agenda

Regardless of his eligibility, this country succumbed to the influence of his communistic agenda and we continue to descend in that direction every day.  Make no mistake, Obama has a communist agenda, that is sugar-coated by the media as “democratic socialism” to soften the impact and garner appeal from the masses of idiots who have fallen under his spell.  Look at his developmental years and some of the people who influenced him, men such as Frank Marshall Davis, and Saul Alinsky.

Davis was living in Hawaii as early as 1956 and died there in 1987.  The young impressionable Obama used to sit and listen to long talks Davis had with his grandfather, Stanley Dunham.  The FBI was tracking Davis in the 1930’s and 40’s.  He was an activist member of the Communist Party USA.  Their case file on Davis purportedly has his Communist Party Identification Number as #47544 (obtained from a “highly confidential source”)  [6].  He took the Fifth Amendment to avoid answering questions in front of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1956.  Guilty[7]

Alinsky authored the book, Rules for Radicals, a blueprint for transforming a society to socialism.  His philosophy was “the ends justify the means”, whereby a radical can justifiably break from morality to achieve the radical objective.  Alinsky could be called the Father of Community Organizing and formed political activist groups from his base in Chicago with names like Organization for Action, dedicated to attacking the power structure of the white middle class.

In the early 60’s he blamed riots across the country on “white racism” and in 1965 went to Rochester, NY to dismantle the “white power structure” by pressuring Kodak, the city’s largest employer, to hire 1,500 “unemployed blacks with limited skills and little work experience”.  [8]

I typically don’t talk about racial politics, but I only mention this because ever since Obama stepped into the spotlight, the left plays the “race card” as if it “trumps” (no pun intended) every other card in the deck.  “Shut up, you’re racist.”

In 1969 he began training young political activists, asking his students. “Why do you want to organize, goddammit?”, with the correct answer being, “power”.  [9]

Well I’ll be damned, a community organizer from Chicago who has no respect for morality, while implementing social justice through class warfare to gain power.  Sound familiar ?

Remember Obama’s 2008 speech when he said, “We are five days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States”.  No one had any idea what he was talking about.  He just sounded so eloquent.

For a deeper “dive” into the similarities between Alinsky and Obama, see my two-part series HERE 

I could go on and on but the point is, he’s a communist, masquerading as a “democrat socialist”.  His Muslim teachings have convinced him that he has time on his side.  He plays the “long game”, not expecting his “transformation” to be completed during his 8-year term.  That’s why he picked Hillary Clinton to succeed him, and after Trump’s unexpected interruption, his former “dummie”, Joe Biden in 2020.  On his 3rd day in office he formed the Political Action Group Organizing for America (OFA), then rebranded it in 2013 as Organizing for Action, a 30,000-member army of activists to further his agenda that bears a  name nearly identical to Alinsky’s Organization for Action.

Everything you see happening today is being orchestrated by Obama.  Notice how boldly the Democrats wield their power.  They have enacted policies that are literally antithetical to reasonable solutions on the various issues.  But they don’t care how much the American people suffer from the consequences.  We are witnessing Obama’s planned destruction of the America he despises so much.  It’s happening right now and it’s accelerated into “overdrive”.  He knows he’ll never be associated with this unfolding disaster.  He can blame it all on the senile moron occupying the White House.

In the final analysis, Barack Obama will end up as America’s biggest mistake unless patriots unite, rise up, and begin crushing the DNC at every opportunity.

It can be done.  It must be done.  Not that the current cast of Republicans are the greatest politicians of all time, but our mission is to defeat every Democrat, by electing anyone running against them, no matter who they are.  It doesn’t matter whether you love Trump, or hate him, if he’s the 2024 nominee, you have to vote for him.



[1]  Ramsey, Michael D. ; The Original Meaning of Natural Born ; Univ. of Penn. ; December 2017 ; Section “A”, beginning p. 210,born%20abroad%20to%20English%20parents.

[2]  ibid., Section “B”, beginning p. 213

[3]  ligeance refers to natural-born subjects born within the dominions of the crown of England, within the ligeance, or as it is known, the allegiance of the King.  Allegiance is the tie, or ligamen, which binds the subject to the King, in return for the protection that the King affords the subject.

[4]  de Vattel, Emerich ; The Law of Nations: Or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns ; Publ. 1758

[5]  Ramsey, Michael D. ; The Original Meaning of Natural Born ; Univ. of Penn. ; December 2017 ; Section “C”, p. 225,born%20abroad%20to%20English%20parents.

[6]  Michele Ye Hee Lee ; Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist Mentor’? ; Washington Post ; March 23, 2015

[7]  ibid.

[8]  Saul Alinsky, InfluenceWatch ; 2022

[9]  ibid.

Illegal Immigration: The Real Story

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

As the media has the entire world focused on the war in Ukraine, and the sheeple are being conditioned to ignore our own border crisis, the invasion of our southern border by illegal immigrants continues, wave after wave.

The Constitution requires the President of the United States to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” – Article II, Section 3

It is his duty to enforce immigration laws that are on the books, yet it’s somehow being completely ignored, all to the delight of the “woke” media.  Did the DNC discover some loophole?  Have they misinterpreted the laws?  Let’s examine a few actual immigration laws that have been broken on a continuing basis. 

Let’s start with 8 U.S. Code § 1201 – Issuance of visas [1]

(a) Immigrants, nonimmigrants

(1)Under the conditions hereinafter prescribed and subject to the limitations prescribed in this chapter or regulations issued thereunder, a Consular Officer may issue –

(a) to an immigrant who has made proper application therefor, an immigrant visa which shall consist of the application provided for in section 1202 of this title, visaed by such consular officer, and shall specify the foreign state, if any, to which the immigrant is charged, the immigrant’s particular status under such foreign state, the preference, immediate relative, or special immigrant classification to which the alien is charged, the date on which the validity of the visa shall expire, and such additional information as may be required;

In other words, each and every immigrant entering the United States must apply for and receive an immigrant visa through the U.S. Consulate, giving true and accurate information as to his/her nationality, and other identifying data.

8 U.S. Code § 1188 – Admission of temporary H-2A workers [2]

(a) Conditions for Approval of H-2A Petitions

(1) A petititon to import an alien as an H-2A worker may not be approved by the Attorney General unless the petitioner has applied to the Secretary of Labor for a certification that –

(a) There are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, and qualified, and who will be available at the time and place needed, to perform the labor or services involved in the petition, and

(b) The employment of the alien in such labor or services will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.

So, we are supposed to believe that the Attorney General of the United States can prove that every H-2A worker is not affecting the wages of U.S. citizens who could be employed to perform the same work being done by immigrants.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens [3]

(a) Classes of Aliens Inadmissible for Visas or Admission

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

(1) Health-related grounds

(2) Criminal and related grounds

(3)Security and related grounds

(4) Public Charge

(A) In general – Any alien who, in the opinion of the Consular Officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible, with consideration of the following factors

(I) age

(II) health

(III) family status

(IV) assets, resources, and financial status, and

(V) education and skills

(5) Labor Certification and Qualifications for Certain Immigrants

(6) Illegal Entrants and Immigration Violators

(A) Aliens present without admission or parole –

(i) In general – An alien present in the United States without being admitted or paroled, or who arrives in the United States at any time or place other than as designated by the Attorney General, is inadmissible.

Obviously, the Biden administration is not listening to CBP agents on the ground at the border, warning of illegal aliens entering the country with health issues, criminal records, and security threats.  Can we assume the Attorney General of the United States has complete knowledge of every immigrant entering the country?  How many of the 2.1 million illegal immigrants who have entered the country in Biden’s first year have been designated as inadmissible? (I’ll take the “under”)

Those are just a few examples of the statutes on the books that are being totally ignored by the Biden administration.  And no one is doing a damn thing about it.  Essentially, the President has failed to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”, in violation of the Constitution.

I must also mention the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 [4], passed and signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920’s.  The intent was to eliminate discrimination against eastern Europeans, and Asians, which had strict quotas.  The National Origins Formula favored northern and western Europeans and was considered racist by some politicians.  Interestingly, the bill was supported by northern Democrats and Republicans but strongly opposed by southern Democrats.  Who were the real racists then?

Statistics gathered by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank, [5] found that migrant encounters more than doubled in all nine sectors along the U.S. Mexico border in fiscal 2021, compared to fiscal 2020 (the fiscal years ends in September). 

All of the following is actual data, and is presented just to establish factual truth.  Anything you hear or read that skews these facts is propaganda. 

The largest numerical increase occurred in the Rio Grande sector, the easternmost section of the Texas border, with 549,077 encounters last fiscal year, up from 90,206 in 2020.  The largest proportional increase occurred in the Yuma sector, part of Arizona, where encounters increased thirteenfold, from 8,804 in fiscal 2020 to 114,488 in fiscal 2021.

In September 2021, 54% of encounters ended in expulsion, down from 74% in February 2021, Biden’s first full month in office.

Encounters of single adults rose from 317,864 in 2020 to 1,063,285 in fy 2021.

Encounters of family groups rose from 52,230 in 2020 to 451,087 in fy 2021.

Encounters of unaccompanied children rose from 30,557 in 2020 to 144,834 in 2021.

Mexico accounted for the largest percentage of the migrant influx, with 608.037 encounters, or 37% of the total.  The remaining 1,051,169 encounters (63%) were from countries other than Mexico, mainly Honduras (308,931), Guatemala (279,033), and El Salvador (95,930), by far the highest total for non-Mexican nationals in CBP records dating back to 2000.

The latest CBP data for fiscal year 2022 on migrant encounters by month:

OCT 2021 – 164,841

NOV 2021 – 174,870

DEC 2021 – 179,256

JAN 2022 – 154,745

FEB 2022 – 164,973

If we calculate the total illegal immigrant encounters from Joe Biden’s first full month in office, as his first 12 months (FEB 2021 thru JAN 2022), we get a total of 2,111,948 encounters.  Those are just the illegals encountered.  That doesn’t include those who may have successfully crossed undetected, and those illegals tend to have a good reason not to be caught.  Some of whom are trafficking lethal illegal narcotics, such as fentanyl, which have killed over 100,000 young people in the past year.

Just to put things in perspective, the liberal left and the mainstream media have everyone in an uproar over the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  We can agree that we should be concerned about the sovereignty of the Ukraine and the atrocities inflicted on their citizens.  The massing of 150,000 Russian troops near the border was a red flag for the NATO allies.  However, in contrast, no one was alarmed at the monthly invasion of our own southern border by illegal immigrants.  In Biden’s first year, January 2022, was the lowest number of encounters by the CBP, with over 154,000 illegals encountered.  July and August of 2021 both had well over 200,000 encounters.  But, hold your tongue dear citizen, anyone mentioning the crisis at our southern border will be labelled a racist and stigmatized by the “woke” mob. 

Maybe race has nothing to do with it, as with many of their favorite positions. 

Maybe American citizens just want to feel safe in their own country. 

Maybe American citizens want to preserve their values and traditions. 

Maybe American citizens don’t think it’s a good idea for our country 30 trillion dollars in debt, to support the entire world’s population. 

Maybe American citizens don’t want foreign nationals influencing the elections of representatives they trust to protect their lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness.

Maybe the only reason the DNC is pushing for this massive influx of foreign nationals, legal and otherwise, is to promise them free stuff and secure their vote in order to maintain Democrat control of the levers of power.

Comments welcome.





[4] Wikipedia

[5] Gramlich, J. & Scheller, A. ; What’s Happening at the U.S.-Mexico Border in 7 Charts, Pew Research, Nov 9, 2021 ; Chart 5

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)