Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
The DNC War on American Energy: A Diabolical Plot
It’s blatantly obvious that the Obiden regime has been waging a war on American energy since his first day in office when he cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and placed a moratorium on drill leases on federal lands. [1]
The entire Democrat party is determined to implement the Green New Deal as quickly as possible, all in the name of “climate change”. The practicality of transitioning away from fossil fuels “overnight”, relatively speaking, is of no concern whatsoever. It’s all about virtue signaling how the radical left is morally superior by “saving the planet”. Don’t even think about questioning their motives. In fact, don’t even think at all. They can’t be bothered by anyone interfering with such a noble cause.
On the surface, it might seem as if President Biden is now beholden to U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), (D-NY), her associate “squad” members in Congress, and the Green New Deal (GND) they have proposed in the House, which is backed by 101 Democrat co-sponsors. But what brought about this resolution ? Could it be the brainchild of someone a little more intelligent than AOC ? That’s a distinct possibility, judging from the nonsense of previous comments that can be attributed to her. And is it simply a coincidence that the GND furthers the “climate change” agenda of Obama ? These are questions that deserve honest answers. There seems to be a lot more to it than just the stupid idea of a certain intellectually-challenged Congresswoman.
What we do know for sure is that the “climate change” movement has convinced the leaders of the DNC that the American energy sector must be destroyed and the United States must be weaned off fossil fuels immediately. The “bonus” for Obama and his army of activists is that doing so will essentially cripple this country’s entire economy, ultimately leading us into communism. Those who scoff at such a notion, merely need to look at what has happened. Gas prices have more than doubled since Inauguration Day, inflation has soared out of control as a direct result, and supply chains have been disrupted across many segments for goods and labor needs. And in case you missed it, the DNC has already perfected the rigging of national elections to ensure they retain permanent power. So, there’s that.
Here’s the 7-point plan: all phases are to be implemented “by any means necessary”
- Coordinate election officials in key states to steal the election and seize power
- Declare war on fossil fuels
- Destroy the U.S. economy through rampant inflation
- Disarm the people by hoarding ammunition in case the Second Amendment proves difficult to repeal
- Establish electric vehicles while phasing out combustion engines due to lack of affordable fuel
- Control and limit the mobility of the people by regulating the power grid
- Install a permanent communist regime
While they are working on Phase 3, Phases 4 and 5 are well underway. The White House doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this “temporary transition” to EVs. They say the American people must suffer through some hard times in order to make progress on “climate change”. It’s the only way to “save the planet”.
But if your plan is to “save the planet”, why are you trying to eliminate the production of oil on American soil and then flying Air Force One to Saudi Arabia to beg them to increase production of their oil ? American oil and gas are both extracted safer and cleaner than foreign oil. But it’s somehow fine and dandy as long as that oil and gas are produced on the other side of the same planet.
And now OPEC has announced that they will be cutting production by 2 million barrels per day, a move that will certainly cause further inflation at the pump, and everywhere else. We are right back to 1973 for dependence on foreign oil.
Oops, you’re not supposed to question the authorities. There must be other reasons why these matters are better left to the experts. The American people are too stupid to critically think through such complex problems.
The same can be said about coal. On the campaign trail at a Town Hall meeting in March 2016, Hillary Clinton said, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” In her subsequent book What Happened, she supposedly tried to back-peddle by claiming what she meant “was the exact opposite of what came out.” Yeah, yeah, that’s it. [2]
You might recall, she was Obama’s Secretary of State during his first term (2009-2013), resigning on February 1, 2013, presumably to prepare for her own run at the presidency. But she was clearly Obama’s hand-picked successor, the darling of the media, and the heir apparent to continue installing Obama’s socialist agenda. Then, along came Trump, and the entire universe of liberalism went berserk. They literally could not accept the results of the last fair election, so they were determined to get him out of their way as quickly as possible. After two failed impeachment attempts, based on fabricated falsehoods, they decided to rig election results in several key states to steal the 2020 election, and get away with it by running out the clock. It was only 64 days from Election Day to January 6th, when the “certified” electoral votes were officially counted by Congress. All of Trump’s legal maneuvers were denied by the media and ignored by the Supreme Court on December 11th, as they announced the Texas case, brought on behalf of six states “had no basis”. What ? “No basis” ? Are you serious ?
There were over 1,000 independent witnesses who signed sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury, claiming they had seen “irregularities” within various polling stations. Ballots were counted in the middle of the night after observers had been removed from the premises. There were actual videos of impropriety. All of it was swept under the rug as “Trump’s big lie.”
The DNC assured Biden he didn’t even need to campaign. He was to just stay in his basement. They had everything in control to manufacture 81,000,000 votes, or 90,000,000, if needed. They were going to seize power “by any means necessary.” And they did.
Who are you going to believe; an association of people who have one central objective and a lot to lose, or 1,000 completely independent witnesses ?
But I digress. The point is that no later than 2016, it was clear Obama wanted to destroy the American energy sector, as he had Hillary attacking the coal industry. And don’t forget, he delayed the Keystone XL and then on Nov 7, 2015, 4 months before Hillary’s Town Hall comment, he announced the Keystone pipeline was dead, once and for all, saying, it “would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy”.
When Trump approved the Keystone XL and pulled the U.S. out of Obama’s Paris Climate Accord (a.k.a. the Paris Agreement), liberal minds exploded. On the surface, the climate accords seem like a noble gesture. A coordinated effort to reduce, and eventually eliminate, greenhouse gases in order to minimize the effect of gradually rising temperatures worldwide. Who wouldn’t support that? But there is an agenda driving the narrative.
The entire movement is a hoax, designed to control the global economy while establishing the authority of the New World Order, a mysterious organization that deliberately lurks in the shadows to avoid scrutiny. That’s another subject that screams for investigation.
Keep in mind, the underlying rationale behind the war on energy is “climate change”, formerly known as “global warming”, and factually debunked by John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel. and credentialed meteorologist. [3]
In 2007 Coleman said, “Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you “believe in.” It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming are a nonevent, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won’t believe me . . . “
In 2017 he was quoted saying, “The ‘tons and tons of carbon we are spewing into the atmosphere every day’, as Al Gore puts it, are actually a good thing. In his rants that the Earth will become uninhabitable, Former Vice President Gore is referring to the carbon dioxide gas being released into the atmosphere as we power our civilization with fossil fuels. However, it turns out that as the ‘greenhouse gases’ we release combine with nature’s carbon dioxide to make the planet greener and greener.”
Maybe the Green New Deal is a misleading title, similar to the Affordable Care Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Perhaps it should be called the Brown New Deal. But before jumping on board with their agenda, maybe we should find out exactly what the Green New Deal is, and how it would really affect the planet.
What’s In The Green New Deal ?
What exactly is the Green New Deal ?
We’ve all heard about it and know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the poster child of the narrative, but what does it really mean ?
Well, the common sense approach would be to Google it and look for the most appropriate results, and I selected the House Resolution proposed by AOC herself, which you can review HERE. [4]

Note the 5th bullet point in the list of goals; “promoting justice and equality”. What the Hell does that have to do with greenhouse gases and their effect on the temperature of the Earth ?
Note the 2nd bullet point in the 10-year mobilization effort; “upgrading all existing buildings . . . “ So, her plan is to retrofit every building in America to “achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.” You have to wonder how enormous the budget would need to be to accomplish such a monumental task. But hey, money is no obstacle to these lunatics. Not to mention the fact that it would be literally impossible to achieve that stated goal in 10 years, or 50 years for that matter. These folks live in Fantasyland, as if they can demand a perfect world, and ‘poof’, it just happens with no consequences.
Then there’s the 3rd bullet point; “removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and agriculture sectors”. There’s the reason Joe Obiden has attacked the American oil industry and the push for electric vehicles (EVs). California recently passed a bill that bans the sale of new combustion engine vehicles by 2035. The same week they announced rolling brownouts because their electric grid is already overburdened. And this is before everybody in California is trying to charge their cars overnight. Never mind that little problem. The message is clear; ‘we will jam this agenda down your throats and we don’t care how difficult it will be to actually implement, or how much the American citizen must suffer along the way’. I’m not done. Let’s look at those beautiful $60,000 EVs in the next “chapter”.
The last (6th) bullet point claims they can “provide higher education, high-quality health care, and affordable, safe, and adequate housing to all.”
So, every person from underprivileged communities is entitled to “higher education”, regardless of merit. Hard work and determination are to be replaced by identity politics, just to show how compassionate Democrats are. And obviously, their gender studies and political activism courses should be free, paid by the tax payers who actually contribute to society.
All this time, I thought Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act fixed health insurance.
And exactly how does she plan to provide affordable housing for ALL when we already have a huge, growing homeless population, and a massive invasion of illegal immigrants. They couldn’t even find beds for 50 migrants on Martha’s Vineyard. Oh wait, it’s only 3.3 miles from the Edgartown docks to Obama’s house. No wonder those frightening Venezuelans were deported to an onshore military base in less than 2 days.
Now she’s going to spend trillions of tax dollars to “upgrade ALL existing buildings”? With whose money ? (Answer: no matter how much the Treasury Dept. prints, the tax payer will feel the pain, for generations to come). I barely have affordable housing now, and she wants to make it prohibitive. Maybe the intention, like many other Democrat policies, is to create “equity”, by forcing the middle class out into the street, while providing “affordable” (subsidized by the tax payer) housing previously occupied by those “privileged” tax payers. If that sounds like an unfair accusation, remember, the 5th bullet point in the list of goals, which she wrote right into the bill, is “promoting justice and equality”.
I wouldn’t trust her to mow my lawn, let alone dictate national political agendas.
Getting Back to That Electric Vehicle (EV): Damn Those EV Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries, invented in the late 1970s and prized for their energy density and rechargeability, are integral to two pillars of the Green New Deal: electric vehicles and power storage.
The typical battery for a 2020 model year EV contains 52 Kg of graphite, 29 Kg of nickel, 10 Kg of manganese, 8 Kg of cobalt, and 6 Kg of lithium, and other minerals and metals (let’s call them M & Ms) that total about 185 Kg (407 Lbs.), not including the M & Ms used to manufacture the electrolyte, binder, separator, and battery pack casing. [5]

Break-down of M & Ms contained in typical 2020 Electric Vehicle battery pack. Graphite and Nickel are minerals. Manganese, Cobalt, and Lithium are metals.
Those batteries can last 10-20 years and cost about $20,000 to replace, but the warranty is typically 8 years. At that price they should last a while, perhaps for the life expectancy of the vehicle, but what happens to them in terms of disposal?
More batteries in more landfills equals more soil contamination and more hazardous waste runoff into local watersheds. How many liberals have fallen into line as their leaders professed to be the stewards of pollution ? They never run short of hypocrisy.
Today, there are an estimated 15 million registered automobiles operating in the state of California alone.
So, by the time they have replaced all those “gas-guzzling” cars, California will need at least 780,000,000 Kg (858,000 tons) of graphite, 435,000,000 Kg (478,500 tons) of nickel, 150,000,000 Kg (165,000 tons) of manganese, 120,000,000 Kg (132,000 tons) of cobalt, and 90,000,000 Kg (99,000 tons) of lithium.
Is the EV Future Really Environmentally Friendly?
And now, the $64,000 question:
How much energy is expended in producing those EV car batteries?
The answer is virtually incalculable, but here are some facts:
It takes about 400,000 gallons of water to produce 1 ton of lithium.
According to the Institute for Energy Research (IER), “mining and processing of lithium, turns out to be far more environmentally harmful than fracking. The permanent disfiguring of the earth’s surface as we dig ever deeper for mineral resources is only part of the problem. Water pollution is a HUGE concern. Remember, hazardous chemicals found in groundwater will eventually find their way to the oceans too.” [6]
I guess that’s just science they don’t want you to believe, or even find out about.
Right here in the good old United States, there is a proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada, which lies on Paiute Nation territory, and is public land under the auspices of the United States Bureau of Land Management (the original BLM). [7]
Thacker Pass would not simply be a giant strip mine, but would also require an “enormous complex to extract lithium from the mined ore for its conversion into a non-volatile carbonate form to be made into batteries.” Apparently, fracking is evil, but strip mining is fine, as long as it fits the Democrat narrative and furthers their agenda. Even on American soil.
Geologic studies have estimated that the concentration of lithium at Thacker Pass would yield one ton of lithium for every 500 tons of earth removed. Projecting that over a year, the mine would involve moving 20 to 30 million tons of earth to produce 60,000 tons of lithium. And that’s just 2/3rds of the amount to replace the 15 million cars in California alone. Nationwide, there are about 275 million registered vehicles.
And where does that 24,000,000,000 (24 BILLion) gallons of water come from ?
They would need to capture all of the water that flows over the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara for NINE hours, but that’s a moot point because the last time I looked, Niagara Falls was in New York.
Then of course, it requires machinery to move earth. Heavy equipment that consumes diesel fuel. There would need to be at least one giant mining excavator and a fleet of rear dump trucks to transport the material to the processing facility, not to mention the energy needed to power the facility itself.
We’re talking about BIG excavators, the largest in the world. Some examples are the Liebherr R9800 (45 m3 bucket), the Komatsu PC8000 (42 m3 bucket), and the Caterpillar 6060 (34 m3 bucket). These behemoths consume about 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel per day, not to mention hydraulic oils and other petroleum products.
Then the number of rear dump trucks needed to keep the excavator busy, would depend on the distance from the excavator to the processing plant and the time required for each truck to complete a cycle. The world’s two largest trucks are the Belaz 75710 and the Caterpillar 797F. Each truck would consume about 740 gallons of diesel fuel per day.
For example; the Caterpillar 797F Rear Dump can haul about 400 tons of material per load and would take about 5 buckets to fill from the Liebherr R9800 Excavator. The excavator could scoop-swing and dump-swing back into “scoop position” in about 12 seconds, or 5 times per minute. So each truck could be loaded in a minute. That means the excavator could load about 60 trucks per hour at 100% efficiency. If each truck takes 6 minutes to haul a load to the processing facility, dump, and return back into position “under the excavator”, that means the operation requires 7 trucks to keep the excavator busy (without idle time). HOWEVER, that would be a hypothetical hauling operation on relatively level ground. Look at the picture of the mine below, and you can see each truck would take much longer than 6 minutes to get out of the mine to the processing facility up top, and realize a mining operation would require many more trucks. The method would be the same but the calculations are site specific depending on the actual equipment and the “cycle time” of each truck.
Oh, and don’t forget all the other heavy equipment on site to keep the mine operating. And when the processed lithium carbonate is ready to go, it must be transported by truck, to a manufacturing facility.
Folks, I’m just talking about a single proposed lithium mine in the United States. Over 50% of the world’s lithium deposits are currently produced in the “Lithium Triangle” of South America in portions of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, within some of the most arid lands in the world. Their water has been polluted for decades.
And that’s just lithium. What about those other vital M & Ms ? Imagine the magnitude of production that would be required world-wide to convert all land based transportation to electricity. I realize I’ve gotten deeply “into the weeds” here, but somebody has to dig into the real environmental impact of strip mining on such a massive scale; scarification of the earth’s surface, destruction of habitat, water contamination, consumption of enormous quantities of diesel fuel dedicated to extracting the M & Ms, and other undisclosed consequences.

So when they say “saving the planet”, they are either lying to us, or they’re simply dumber than a bag of hammers.
Clearly, they don’t care about the planet. If they did, they would be protesting against the environmental hazards related to mining all the M & Ms required to produce the batteries. They just need to appear to be “saving the planet” by banning drilling for oil and gas on American soil, setting an example for the world, by leading us into a clean energy future. Riiight. Pure virtue signaling. Don’t pay any attention to those enormous mining operations. The real intention is to destroy the American economy, and it’s working exactly as planned.
How ‘Bout That Power Grid ?
Let’s not forget about the plan to convert all existing power plants to “renewable” energy, and keep fossil fuels in the ground. Our nation’s electric grid
According to the U.S. Energy Administration (USEA), “renewable” sources such as wind, hydropower, solar power, biomass, and geothermal generated about 20% of the country’s electricity in 2020. [8]
Straight from the USEA article are two interesting quotes in successive paragraphs, to wit:
“All-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles represent an increasing demand for electricity that could cause negative impacts on the grid. Although these new loads are not likely to strain much of our existing generation resources, high coincident peaks of EV charging in concentrated locations could strain nearby distribution equipment.”
“Demand for electricity rises and falls, depending on time of day and time of year. Electricity production, transmission, and distribution capacity must be able to meet demand during times of peak use; but most of the time, the electricity infrastructure is not operating at its full capacity. As a result, EVs are unlikely to require expanded grid capacity.”
So, the USEA admits that “local” distribution facilities, particularly in high population centers, would be “strained”, but assures us that the existing grid capacity is likely sufficient to meet enormously expanded demand. How does that make sense ? There is no way the existing insufficient power grid infrastructure can handle a massive increase in demand.
When I went to school, 20% meant that 80% had to come from something else, in this case, fossil fuels, specifically, natural gas and coal.
With the mid-term elections just 32 days away, the latest NPR poll suggests the number one issue concerning American voters is INFLATION [9].

Notice how the liberal NPR emphasizes the importance of abortion in their headline, which is number two overallby asignificant margin, but not viewed as importantly by Republicans and Independents combined (32%). The chart on the left breaks down the responses by political persuasions, telling the true story (assuming you care to believe 1,236 respondents to an NPR poll).
It’s also noteworthy that Democrats basically don’t care at all about immigration or crime, 1% and 3% respectively, and that Independents join Republicans in their concerns over inflation (another 37%, or 77% combined).
In any case, it’s reasonable to recognize that inflation is a huge issue on the minds of many American voters. And just to be clear, there is a DIRECT CORRELATION between Obiden’s war on American energy and inflation, because EVERYTHING requires fossil fuels to manufacture and distribute. Higher fuel prices equal higher prices of ALL things. The Green New Deal agenda is directly responsible.
At some point, you have to realize the Green New Deal might be the dumbest idea in the history of the world. And yet, the entire DNC has fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. They even swallowed the rod and ate the boat. They are so stupid, they think they are “saving the planet” and feel good about themselves, all while Obama is using it to further his socialist agenda. These are the morons the liberal left has elected, whether legitimately or by fraud, and trusted to rule us. They MUST be stopped !
To be blunt, I hate politics and politicians. I was completely ‘apolitical’ until Obama rose to power. I only voted twice in my entire life before him. Then I had to start commenting because he is that terrible for our country. He was the first, and only, President to organize an army of activists to further his agenda, and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. No one could convince me that Joe Obiden is capable of coordinating such a complex master plan to destroy the economy of the United States. No one other than Obama has the power to influence the upper echelon of the DNC. And everything you see happening today fits perfectly into his vision of “fundamentally transforming” America into a socialist state, not by coincidence, but by design. That is why I know, without a shadow of doubt, that Obama is running this country.
If he was doing a good job and improving the lives of American citizens of all races, creeds, and religions, I would be the first to approve of his performance. But that is not what we are getting, is it ? It’s going to take a tremendous effort to undo the damage he has already done. The first step is to totally eliminate his power. That can only be accomplished by destroying their multi-tiered anti-American platform through awareness by We the People, thoroughly defeating them at the ballot box, and thereby forcing the entire structure of the DNC to be reorganized as a more acceptable political party, if not disbanded completely.
[1] Newburger, E. ; Biden Suspends Oil and Gas Leasing in Slew of Executive Actions on Climate Change, CNBC ; Jan 27, 2021
[2] Roberts, D. ; Hillary Clinton’s “Coal Gaffe” is a Microcosm of her Twisted Treatment by the Media, Vox ; Sep 20, 2017
Notice the incredibly misleading headline that claims she was unfairly treated by the media. Nothing could be further from the truth.
[3] desmog.com ; John Coleman
[4] H.Res.332 – Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal
[5] Bhutada, G. ; The Key Minerals in an EV Battery, Elements Newsletter ; May 2, 2022
[6] Coburn, K. ; The True Costs of Lithium Extraction: A Grim Reality for EV Owners, kirkcoburn.com ; Dec 2, 2021
[7] Komanoff, C. ; Lithium Mining: The Hidden Environmental Cost of EVs, StreetsblogUSA ; Feb 9, 2021
[8] U.S. Department of Energy ; Electricity Production and Distribution, Alternative Fuels Data Center
[9] Montanaro, D. ; Poll: Abortion and Inflation Collide as Top Issues in Midterm Elections,NPR ; Sep 8, 2022
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