Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
Where Are We Now ?
For the past seemingly endless months, we have witnessed the public political mud-slinging from both sides ad nauseum and are probably looking forward to Election Day 2024. The good news is, we are in the final week. The bad news is, one side is going to lose their collective minds over the results, whether the vote count is legitimate, or fraudulent. With just days to go, we are being led to believe the race for President is a “toss up” and tension is building.
On one hand, we have polls compiled by numerous organizations that emphasize how close the race is in the seven battleground states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) showing a trend towards Trump whereby not long ago, he was trailing by a couple points.

Current polling as of 29 October 2024: Real Clear Politics Average in the seven battleground states show Trump leading by narrow margins in six, and Harris with a slim margin in Michigan. [1]
On the other hand, none of those polls can be trusted. In 2016 Hillary thought she was going to win comfortably. I’m not sure the polls aren’t part of the propaganda being thrust on us with the full intention of deceiving the voting populace. The point is, DON’T TRUST ANY POLL. We the People cannot afford to get comfortable like Hillary did. We MUST vote and we MUST vote AGAINST the Democrats and their Propaganda Media Complex.
On the Brink of History
We are now on the brink of history in American politics. Either Trump will win despite tremendous headwinds generated by the Democrat machine with their well-entrenched weaponized federal bureaucracy, and their propaganda arm comprised of all the mainstream media outlets, or Harris will somehow prevail despite the overwhelming sentiment felt across the country in opposition to her failed co-administration with Joe Biden.
There is no denying the Biden-Harris record of complete failure, falling on the wrong side of virtually every issue, from the economy and inflation, to the border crisis, to the resulting soaring crime rate, to their disastrous foreign policy, to their unchecked corruption, and their relentless attacks on the Constitution in an effort to implement Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America into a communist nation. Democrats and their radical left-wing Marxist minions are literally destroying America, by design. The only issue they poll favorably on is abortion, by appealing to women on their health care. So, the Harris campaign has produced a slew of ads that blatantly lie about Trump’s position on abortion, expecting them to believe the ads, because they know that their voting base is too stupid to be aware of the facts. The ads I’m referring to claim Trump will enact a nation-wide abortion ban. That of course, is totally false as the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, essentially returning the abortion issue back to the states. It is now in the hands of the people of each state to decide what types of abortion, if any, are acceptable. The federal government has nothing to do with it. Trump has nothing to do with it beyond his appointment of three SCOTUS judges who were part of the decision rendered during Biden’s administration. Trump has even stated that he supports abortion on the three so-called “exceptions” of rape, incest, and the health of the mother. The voters that lose their minds on this issue should realize their fight is at the state level.
Every other issue is clearly in Trump’s wheelhouse. So the Harris campaign has resorted to name-calling and pandering with false promises.
When you witness the rallies each candidate holds, it’s pretty obvious the Trump campaign has generated a lot more enthusiasm just by the sheer numbers of attendees. This past Sunday, he drew over 20,000 to his rally at Madison Square Garden in the heavily Democratic stronghold of New York City, with an estimated 50,000 more outside. In contrast, Harris recently held a rally in Arizona attended by about 3,000 people and over 2,000 of them were bussed in from California.
Of course, I and most of you, are viewing this through a “red” lens, and feel the groundswell is in our favor, but it’s hard to ignore the simple logic and common sense that guides us in recognizing the much better choice.
If Harris comes out the other side of Election Day, or perhaps I should say Election Week, as the “winner”, there is going to be intense scrutiny of the vote totals, similar to 2020. The left and the Propaganda Media Complex will vilify and ridicule all inquisitions as “election denial” just like last time, but we will have good reason to be skeptical. After all, Harris was the most unpopular Vice President in history until four days after Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump on 27 June 2024. That’s when the Democrat Party shifted into Plan B and ousted Biden in a coup to install Harris, who never earned a single vote, and was all of a sudden the media darling of the left. By the time the smoke had cleared, she was the DNC nominee and the Democrats were calling Trump a “threat to our democracy”. Hypocrisy on steroids.
President-Elect Harris would be an almost certain stolen election. I still believe they stole the 2020 election for “basement” Joe, and I believe they stole several races in the 2022 mid-terms, so it’s not like they haven’t perfected it yet. Trump may get 100,000,000 votes, but they will fabricate 105,000,000 phony ballots. And that, my fellow Patriots, is my biggest fear. I truly believe the only way Trump can win is by getting over 50% of all registered voters, AND making sure those votes are certified. It would be nearly impossible to deny a majority of all registered voters. But even then, you can be sure the Democrats would devise a scheme to delegitimize the vote.
The Last Chance to Save America
They always say “this is the most important election ever”, but in this case it’s true. This is literally the last chance to save America from the throes of communism. This is not a drill.
If you have been paying attention, you may have come to understand that our American values have been threatened by the emergence of Barack Hussein Obama. In a campaign speech at Columbia, Missouri on the 30th of October 2008, Obama said, “we are five days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States”. No one dared to ask what he meant by that. As it turned out, he has been relentlessly chipping away at our freedoms, attacking the Constitution, and overwhelming our institutional systems using Saul Alinsky’s blueprint for creating a socialist state. Obama was heavily influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, identified as an activist member of the Communist Party USA and tracked by the FBI in the 30’s and 40’s. He was schooled under Islamic doctrines in Indonesia, worked as a community organizer under the Marxist playbook of Saul Alinsky. He even branded his 30,000 member activist army “Organizing for Action”, a thinly veiled reference to Alinsky’s “Organization for Action”. He is a master of deception, a highly-regarded stratagem of jihad. You can read more about Obama in depth in my earlier blog posts, but suffice it to say here, he is the head of the snake, the mastermind behind everything that has transpired and everything happening today. When the Democrat Party was in the planning stages of “how to steal elections”, you can be sure it was Obama who encouraged them and convinced them they could get away with it simply by running out the clock while being protected by the media. He did it in 2012 with the Benghazi scandal just seven weeks before the election of 2012. They pulled it off in 2020 and they are doing it again right now. Democrats, as of this writing, are above the law. If Trump can pull off the miracle, We the People should demand the end of their impunity.

Just yesterday in a virtual event Biden in referencing a comedian at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally who joked that Puerto Rico was a floating island of garbage, said, “the only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters”, essentially calling Trump’s supporters “garbage”. They tried to spin the comment by claiming he meant the comedians’ fans, but that excuse doesn’t make sense.
In the lead up to the 2008 election, when Obama was a Senator running for his first term, he referred to Republicans as “clingers”, meaning they had been clinging to their guns, religion, and resentments against politicians who offered hollow promises. He was the first to alienate half the country and it doesn’t appear to be a situation where he misspoke. It was a deliberate attempt to divide the country that has continued to this day, following Alinsky’s blueprint outlined in his book Rules for Radicals.
Under The Ideology of Change, Alinsky wrote,
“The prerequisite for an ideology is possession of a basic truth. For example, a Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order or the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage—the political paradise of communism.” [2]
Obama is so heavily invested in his agenda to convert America into a communist nation, it is impossible to overlook all the evidence.

We the People have suffered the consequences of America’s biggest mistake for far too long. The choice is clear. This is your last chance to save America. Give him one more term and the “transformation” will be complete. Failure is not an option.
It is literally Patriots vs. Marxists.
It is literally America vs. Communism.
“Fight fight fight”
— Donald J. Trump, Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2024

Vote TRUMP for President
Comments welcomed.
[1] Top Battlegrounds – RCP Average
[2] Alinsky, Saul D. ; Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ; Random House, New York, Vintage Books Edition, 1989 ; p. 25