Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
Biden Pardons His Family 22 Minutes Before Trump is Sworn In
I suppose it’s not surprising that former President Biden pardoned five members of his own family as his last act in office. He lied to the American people repeatedly that he would not pardon his son and then he did. Hunter Biden was indicted for tax evasion and weapons charges.
In September of 2024, Hunter was convicted in Los Angeles of three felony tax evasion counts and six misdemeanor counts after pleading guilty with no plea bargain. His plea was accepted by the Judge who scheduled sentencing for December 16, 2024, whereby he faced a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison. [1]
Would any sane person plead guilty without seeking a deal unless he had been assured by his father that he would be pardoned from all his crimes?
In a separate case, brought in Delaware, Hunter was convicted of three felonies related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when he lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. At the time, the President said he would accept the outcome and “continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal”. [2]
Now we know that Hunter never had anything to worry about. Hunter was granted a “full and unconditional pardon” for all crimes he “committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024,” by his father on December 1, 2024, just 11 days before he was scheduled to be sentenced in his gun conviction case. [3]
The pardon just happens to cover the period of time when Hunter first conducted business deals with the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
As you may recall, Joe Biden bragged in a 2018 video taken during a Council on Foreign Relations interview, about withholding a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine unless they fired the Prosecutor who was investigating his son’s business arrangements with Burisma. Low and behold, they fired the Prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, and Biden, then President Obama’s V.P. and liaison for the Ukraine, authorized the aid. This interview was clear evidence that Joe Biden was corrupt, and a window into the money laundering operations his son was conducting for the personal benefit of the Biden family. Hunter Biden had no experience whatsoever in the energy sector and no legitimate reason to be engaged in business deals in the Ukraine. Since then, all kinds of evidence has surfaced regarding Hunter’s business deals in China, Kazakhstan, and other foreign countries, with over 100 offshore shell companies and secret accounts popping up. Somehow investigations were stonewalled and the Propaganda Media Complex covered for them until Biden got into the White House in January 2021, at which point we were all supposed to forget about it.
Fast forward to January 20, 2025, Joe Biden’s final day in office, and loose ends need to be wrapped up, so Biden calculates the timing of his last act as President to be announced just minutes before President-Elect Trump is sworn in as the 47th President. In fact, the announcement that Biden was granting a “full and unconditional pardon” to five members of his own family, wasn’t made until Trump and the entire Inauguration Party were in position in the Capitol Rotunda.

There was no way for Trump to be informed of the pardon before he finished his speech. Judging by the remarks Trump made that essentially blasted the previous administration for a horrendous performance, you can assume he would have criticized Biden’s pardon in the harshest terms. Later that night, as Trump was signing Executive Orders and fielding questions from the White House Press Corps, he was asked by Peter Doocy of Fox News whether Biden had left the traditional letter in the drawer of the Resolute Desk, to which Trump reacted and pulled out an envelope addressed to “47”. I have to wonder whether we will ever hear about the complete content of that letter, but I’d surmise there is some “juicy” thumb-nosing language that basically boasts that the Bidens are untouchable.
As Quid Pro Joe, the experienced criminal, once said, “Nobody fucks with the Bidens.”
The Senate Confirmation Hearing of Pam Bondi
On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the Honorable Pamela Jo Bondi, former defense lawyer during President Trump’s first impeachment trial, and Attorney General for the state of Florida from 2011 to 2019, appeared before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for confirmation hearings on her nomination for Attorney General of the United States.
Ms. Bondi has the support of numerous legal and law enforcement organizations and is expected to be confirmed, but Democrats never pass on an opportunity to degrade the character of their political opposition with personal attacks and attempts to cast doubt on the worthiness of a nominee. The hearing for Attorney General was more of the same.
Every Democrat on the committee had certainly seen the memo, from Ranking Member Dick Durbin (D-IL), or perhaps a higher authority, that Ms. Bondi should be repeatedly questioned on their “concerns” that she might use her position to weaponize the Justice Department against political opponents of the Trump administration. Imagine “lieutenants” of the Biden regime acting all high and mighty and offended that the Attorney General would even think of such an abuse of power. Apparently, they are tone deaf and totally blind to that exact strategy perpetrated against then former President Trump for four long years in all-out lawfare designed to prevent him from retaking the White House. Mindboggling hypocrisy.
She consistently stated that she would follow the law, which is the proper response.
During the hearing, Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) asked the nominee, “Can you say ‘no’ to the President of the United States when he asks you to do something unethical or illegal?” Notice Blumenthal presumes Trump will ask her to do something, not whether she would say no if he asks.
Next up for the Democrats was Sen. Hirono (D-HI), the 77 year-old disgrace representing Hawaii. Her first question was, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?” Does she have some evidence to present that would embarrass Ms. Bondi, or is that just an attempt to degrade the nominee’s character?
Later, Hirono states that “in fact, President Elect Trump considers the DOJ to be his law firm” and follows that up with, “If President Elect Trump asks, suggests, or hints that you, as Attorney General, should investigate one of his perceived enemies, would you do so?”
Ms. Bondi reiterated that the DOJ would make charging decisions, saying, “It is the Department of Justice’s decision to determine what cases will be prosecuted.”
I have a simple solution that could allay the Democrat fears, and would keep President Trump’s hands clean.
Open letter to the President of the United States
We the People respectfully suggest to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, that you, sir, refrain from making any directives, requests, or suggestions, to the Attorney General regarding prosecutorial discretion of any American citizens.
It will not be necessary for you to communicate directly, or indirectly, with the Attorney General in regards to any perceived political targeting you may have been subject to from the previous administration. Further, we recommend that you record every conversation you have with the Attorney General in an effort to defend yourself against any future lawfare.
We the People have your back. We know who the corrupt politicians are and we will urge the Attorney General to investigate, indict and prosecute all of them to the letter of the law.
We the People simply ask that you remain “on the sideline”. We’ve got this one.
This is not a revenge campaign. This is a justice campaign, and We the People demand justice.
Signed, We the People
The Attorney General Must Enforce the Law
Open letter to the Attorney General of the United States
We the People hereby request that the Attorney General of the United States conducts thorough investigations into the actions taken by all corrupt politicians that violate existing federal statutes, specifically for violations of federal statute 18 U.S. Code § 595 – Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments, and other crimes that may be discovered, including but not limited to:
18 U.S. Code § 594 – Intimidation of Voters
18 U.S. Code § 610 – Coercion of Political Activity
18 U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
We hereby refer for prosecution, the following:
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., former President of the United States
Merrick B. Garland. former Attorney General of the United States
Christopher A. Wray, former Director of the FBI
John L. Smith, former Special Counsel for the U.S. Dept. of Justice
Alvin Bragg, Manhattan District Attorney
Letitia A. James, Attorney General for the State of New York
Fani T. Willis, District Attorney for Fulton County, Georgia
Jared S. Polis, Governor of Colorado
. . . and others as may be determined during the course of investigations.
It is of utmost importance that full investigations be undertaken to assure the American people that the unprecedented “lawfare” conducted against political opponents shall be prevented in the future by holding those who perpetrated these acts accountable for their corrupt behavior.
This is not a campaign of revenge or retribution. This is the proper course for exacting justice, deterring abuse of power, and restoring faith in the Department of Justice.
Signed, We the People

Comments welcomed.
[1] Robert Hunter Biden Convicted on Three Felony Tax Offenses and Six Misdemeanor Tax Offenses ; U.S. Department of Justice Press Release ; September 5, 2024
[2] Chase, R., Lauer, C., Kunzelman, M., Durkin Richer, A., Long, C. ; President Joe Biden’s Son, Hunter Biden, is Convicted of all 3 Felonies in Federal Gun Trial ; AP News ; June 11, 2024
Hunter Biden convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial | AP News
[3] Lee, C., Fitzpatrick, S. ; President Biden Pardons His Son Hunter Biden ; NBC News ; December 1, 2024