Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.
Since the Russian invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, many Americans have been wondering why we are still buying oil from Russia. President Biden has issued “significant sanctions” against Russia and some Russian oligarchs but refuses to sanction Russian energy. WHY ?
UPDATE: Literally, between the time I wrote this piece and was proofing it for publication, it was announced by the White House that President Biden was going to ban oil exports from Russia, which is the subject of this post. Things are moving quickly in foreign affairs and his declaration potentially negates my criticism, but I’ve decided to go ahead anyway to expose the deception coming from his administration and the shaky defense of their stance on the issue, and there are other elements to the story. More on that at the end of the article.
Why hasn’t Biden reversed course and opened up our own resources towards a more energy-independent country and why are we still paying Russia to fund Putin’s war? Some believe he’s under pressure by the Squad’s Green New Deal and the left-wing climate change agenda. The Democrats and their propaganda machine in the MSM could take that stand and ridicule anyone who criticizes it by saying the long-term health of the planet is more important than World War III, but what is the real reason? Despite the legitimate argument that could be made against that stand, let’s look at one simple underlying fact.
In an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiroma Sunday morning, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) said,
“I don’t think most Americans understand that right now, as Biden’s threatening to turn Putin into a total pariah, the Biden administration is relying on Russia to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program. And of course, Russia has not only been blocking the IAEA investigation into Iran’s undeclared nuclear activities, but it also wants to sell uranium and weapons to Iran. If this administration announces an Iran deal brokered by Putin, that won’t just be billions of dollars for the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, it’ll be a massive win for Vladimir Putin in the Middle East. And I guarantee you, the Biden administration will justify it by saying that because of the energy crisis, bringing 1 to 2 million barrels of Iranian crude on the global market is a good idea and will help Americans at the pump. This is insane. I beg the Biden administration to drop this dangerous fantasy of trying to resuscitate the Iran deal. It would be a win for Putin and a loss for the United States of America.” [1]
Gallagher is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Armed Services Committee. He’s got “street cred”. He is saying we are depending on Russia to reinstate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), because Putin is blocking the IAEA from inspecting Iran’s “undeclared” nuclear sites. The JCPOA was concerned only with Iran’s “declared” nuclear facilities, ignoring their “undeclared” sites.
Here is what you won’t see on CNN or read about in the New York Times: Apparently, Biden is now trying to renegotiate a new agreement, that modifies the JCPOA by including those “undeclared” sites for inspection, and we need Russia to mediate on our behalf in order to get Iran to agree to those inspections. Iran’s bargaining chip is likely a demand for removal of economic sanctions, which would make it easier for them to buy weapons and uranium from Russia.
In case you missed it; the Biden administration is trying to reinstate the JCPOA, commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, brokered by Biden’s “former” boss, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama in November 2013. I say “former” because officially, Biden served as Obama’s VP from 2009-2017, but it’s highly probable that he is still taking advice and orders from Obama today. That’s just my opinion, but there is a lot of evidence that supports it. For example, who would love to see Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal reinstated more than Obama himself? Yes, that guy whose principle senior advisor was the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett and remains his personal confidant. I could go on to great extent about Obama as Biden’s puppet master, but that deserves its’ own discussion.
Trump ended our commitment to the JCPOA, to the scorn of the left. Iran is now 9 years in on the 10-15 year restrictions imposed by the deal and much closer to nuclear “breakout”, although it’s evident they were cheating on the deal anyway. Whether the deal is reinstated or not, Iran will have a nuclear weapon soon enough.
According to James Carafano, Lt. Col. U.S. Army (Ret.), in an interview conducted by Mark Levin, aired Sunday March 6th, the Biden administration admits that even if the deal is reinstated, that won’t deter Iran from developing the bomb. And, as soon as Biden signs it, Russia will have a back door to the global economy, rendering our sanctions useless. Iran will launder money for Russia in return for weapons and uranium.
That’s why Biden refuses to sanction Russian energy. To him, his advisors, and his puppet master, a worthless agreement they admit won’t stop Iran from fast-tracking their nuclear program, is more important than reigning in out-of-control inflation that’s triggering a global economic catastrophe. You have to conclude that’s what they want. Otherwise, it’s literally insane.
Statistics on U.S. Oil Reserves,Consumption, and Imports
- As of Mar 4, 2022, the U.S. holds almost 600 million barrels of oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at four undisclosed sites in Louisiana and Texas maintained by the U.S. Dept. of Energy. The capacity in those caverns is about 714 million barrels. Biden recently authorized the release of 60 million barrels, a roughly 10% drawdown that equates to about 3 days of consumption.
- In 2020 the U.S. consumed about 18.186 million barrels of petroleum per day, and produced about 18.375 million bpd, which included crude oil (11.283 million bpd), natural gas liquids (5.175 million bpd), biofuels (1.024 million bpd), and refinery processing gains (0.924 million bpd),
Leaving a net surplus of about 189,000 bpd that was conceivably available for export.
But that was 2020 during the Trump administration. It has been reported recently that we now consume about 20 million bpd, but that figure has not been confirmed, nor could I find any date from 2021.
Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration
According to U.S. News and World Report, we exported about 8.5 million bpd with Canada and Mexico as the biggest partners in two-way trading, followed by China with 720,000 bpd, then Japan and India as the top 5, each receiving about 500,000 bpd. These figures seem to pose a big discrepancy compared to the previous picture, but that is due to gross imports, exports and net import offsets.
- We are currently importing about 209,000 bpd of oil from Russia, which is about 10% of our daily consumption. The share of our total petroleum product imports can be broken down as follows:
[a] 52% from Canada – EIA data – 2020
[b] 61% from Canada – U.S. Census Bureau and Al Jazeera data – 2021
[a] 10% from Mexico – EIA data – 2020
[b] 10% from Mexico – Al Jazeera data
[a] 7% from Russia – EIA data -2020 ; 540,000 bpd
[b] 8% from Russia – EIA data – 2021 ; 672,000 bpd (199,000 bpd crude + 473,000 bpd refined products – roughly 8.6% of Russia’s crude oil and petroleum products)
[a] 7% from Saudi Arabia – EIA data – 2020
[b] 6% from Saudi Arabia – Al Jazeera data
[a] https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=727&t=6
[b] Al Jazeera data – 2021
Notably total U.S. petroleum imports in 2020 were the lowest since 1991 and since President Biden was sworn in, our imports have increased dramatically. Net crude oil imports rose by 19% in 2021. That is a huge increase due to Biden’s war on energy that began on his first day in office.
The New “Axis of Evil”: This is where it gets very interesting
The American people must come to the realization that a new “Axis of Evil” has emerged in the triumvirate of Russia, China, and Iran. Russia has already made the first big move. As Ukrainian President Zelensky pleads for a “no fly zone” and military support, Putin saber-rattles nuclear options and warns that any interference would be an act of war. Meanwhile, the Russians are pulverizing Ukrainian cities, targeting civilians and exhibiting a scorched earth policy carte blanche. I agree with most Americans polled, that we should not engage with our own boots on the ground, and I understand that a no fly zone would constitute a provocation that the world could not afford to risk (Putin’s nuclear threat). We can’t ignore the perceptions from those who have dealt with Putin in the past that he may be descending into an unbalanced state of mind. Nor can we risk doing anything that might trigger him into acting irrationally.
Now we are trying to “secretly” smuggle weapons into Ukraine via an undisclosed airfield near the Ukrainian border. Exactly how “secret” is this airfield that CNN has published an article on? [2] Let’s assume Putin can access CNN. Maybe they shouldn’t have given him that information. Maybe the act of publishing such a covert plan will do more harm than any benefit from the warm fuzzy feelings they got from projecting how compassionate they are to the Ukrainian people. What if Putin decides supplying Ukrainian fighters with covert weapons is an act of war?
So what can we do? Putin has us by the proverbial gonads. It has been made clear that any incursion into a NATO country will invoke Article 5 of the NATO pact, that is “an armed attack on any NATO country is considered an attack on all of NATO”. But short of that, we are essentially helpless and must watch these atrocities unfold every day in our living rooms. All of which portrays the United States in a weak and feckless limelight.
China is watching closely how the U.S. and our allies respond with visions of invading Taiwan in their near-term objectives. President Xi can clearly see that Biden is in a position of weakness and he already holds leverage on Biden to the tune of $31,000,000 in nefarious business deals that benefit the Biden family. You don’t have to take my word for it, just check out Peter Schweizer’s latest book “Red Handed”, Chaper 2, or see my post titled, “DNC Corruption”
Iran is patiently waiting for the next opportunity to take “The Great Satan” down. They have been chanting “Death to America” for decades, but time is on their side. Islamic jihadis have been in a continuous campaign to dominate the entire globe for 1,400 years. A few more isn’t going to stop them from taking a prominent role in world affairs, and hitching a ride created by Russia and China seems like a reasonable plan for them. Meanwhile, they continue to develop their own nuclear weapon, with or without Biden’s approval, and a means to deliver it to Israel and beyond. They don’t mince words when they say they aim to eliminate Israel and they are serious. They will launch a nuclear bomb into Israel and they are working on intercontinental ballistic missiles that could target Washington, or London. They don’t need intercontinental missiles to reach Israel, just us.
I’m not talking about ordinary intercontinental missiles. Have you heard about the new hypersonic missiles? Yeah, the ones that are designed to travel at speeds faster than Mach 5 (≈3,800 mph) and have the capability to maneuver during the entire flight. The distance from Tehran to Washington DC is 6,324 miles, equating to a travel time of approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Only two countries have developed operational hypersonic missiles, China and Russia. China imported oil from us last year. Maybe they’ll trade a few hypersonic missiles for Iranian crude. If the missile comes from Iran, we shoot it down, and retaliate against Tehran, Russia and China come out unscathed.
Which brings me back to my “lightbulb” moment. How did Iran manage to piggyback their ambitions on the expansionist plans of the Sino/Soviet coalition?
Based on Carafano’s comments, Levin termed this triumvirate as an “Axis”.
It’s been quite some time now that I’ve been trying to figure out how Obama intends to shift America’s transformation from a socialist state into an Islamic state. Maybe this triumvirate is the vehicle that makes that possible.
Isn’t it reasonable to assume a former President who organized a 30,000 member activist army has an agenda to follow through?
Isn’t it reasonable to assume he “suggested” Biden try to renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA), maybe even orchestrated it?
Does he see Iran making a major move towards world domination on the coattails of the Russia/China alliance?
Did anyone notice that Obama always referred to ISIS as ISIL? He never called that terrorist organization ISIS. He used the term ISIL every time. ISIL stands for the Islamic State in the Levant. The Levant is a region encompassing areas of present-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel before the existence of the state of Israel. In other words, Obama does not recognize the legitimacy of the state of Israel. It’s almost like he hates Israel more than he hates America.
Remember when he said, “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”? [3]
Could Iran’s rise in power be his angle?
Maybe he thinks he can broker a deal that will cede Europe to Russia, Asia and the South Pacific to China and North America to Iran. It’s a step towards the ultimate Islamic goal and would surely put Obama in the annals of history, and satisfy his megalomaniacal ego.
Am I crazy? Sounds like a right wing conspiracy theory, right?
Except I’m not conspiring with anyone. It takes at least two to tango. That term was invented by the left to redirect the spotlight off of their own corruption. Sometimes a theory turns out to be true, but even if I’m wrong we can’t afford to sit by idly, watching it unfold without even trying to unseat these demented Democrats at the earliest opportunity. I hope they don’t destroy everything while we’re waiting for that opportunity.
A few hours ago the White House announced that Biden was going to ban oil exports from Russia. In the first segment of this article I exposed the real reason he had been holding out on that sanction, regarding his attempts to renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal. His excuse for not sanctioning Russian oil before was that he wanted to limit the pain at the pump for the American people. I guess, now that the real reason has been exposed by Mike Gallagher and others, he doesn’t care about the pain at the pump anymore and claims there are 9,000 leases that are not being utilized by the oil companies, i.e., now it’s their fault for not producing. You’re supposed to be outraged by that. However, it’s not unusual for 40,000 leases to be dormant at any given time, and during Trump’s last year that number was about 5,000. What needs to be understood is that the mere agreement of signing a lease to drill for natural resources, doesn’t mean an energy company can roll in their rig the next day. There is a lot of red tape that must be approved by the EPA, the Dept. of Energy, and the Dept. of the Interior. And, the Biden administration has placed a lot of restrictions on the process of gaining approvals that created burdensome hurdles that must be overcome to actually begin drilling operations. Jen Psaki didn’t mention that part.
This was my longest post by far. I hope you got something from it. Thanks for hanging in there if you read it all.
Comments welcome, as always.
[1] Gallagher, Mike, Press Release, February 28, 2022
[2] Liebermann, O., CNN, March 7, 2022 ; headline titled, “At a secret airfield in eastern Europe, a multinational effort to send weapons to Ukraine proceeds at high speed”
[3] Obama, B., The Audacity of Hope, page 261, quote: “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
In an obvious spin job issued by Politifact, they claim he is not referring to Muslims, simply “U.S. citizens of Arab and Pakistani descent” in the context of saying “they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something” in contrast to the Japanese internments during World War II. Regardless of the spin, it’s evident that he is painting a picture of America having an evil history. Another shameless example of the media protecting their Messiah.